Eden's Aegis - Original Nanathy 184,139,240

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNIdpuNtLOk

Duration: 31:46

Wait on. Guard on.

Just mentioning this here before I forget. Setting guard to off doesn't really affect anything when I did a test run.

Main highlight is stage 5. I've been bouncing the idea of holding off on destroying those big ships at the start until a second one appears. Dodging their patterns kind of feels weird, though I think I've had an easier time moving right than left. Kind of the only idea that I've been bouncing around that I haven't had a chance to try out.

Stage 3 and 4 are kind of sloppy in comparison.

Starting to get flashbacks to when I was trying to figure out stuff in Fairies of Sorcery. I think the fact that I retreat to the bottom at times kind of makes me think that.

I was kind of thinking about moving on from Nanathy until this run happened. I want to move away from her just because of how weak she is, but she ended up being the one I have the most fun playing as (minus bosses).

I did attempt some stuff with Maple earlier. Not sure if I'll upload that, but there aren't too much runs of her (aside from one I did years ago).