Elephant Puppet hears a tiger roar

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOCM6_GS7xc

Duration: 0:56

Tigers have a very powerful roar. Their roar is so loud that it can be heard from miles away. Interestingly, these big cats can also produce low-pitched infrasonic sounds that are below the human hearing range. So, humans can't hear the sound, but can feel it.

As soon as the air passes through the larynx, the cartilage walls vibrate and have sound. The extra length of the larynx in big cats results in lower frequencies and a raspier roar. This allows them to roar at thresholds of up to 110 decibels, the equivalent of a rock concert

When tigers roar, the sound can be heard nearly two miles away. Why are a tiger's pipes so powerful? It turns out they can stretch their vocal cords in a special way that pumps up the volume of their vocalizations.

Did you know that a tiger makes four distinct, main sounds? They growl, roar, chuff and moan. Each sound is a different communication. A growl is a warning to another tiger, animal or human.

Both lion and tiger roars are powerful and loud, but they do have differences. A lion's roar tends to have a deeper, fuller sound, while a tiger's roar is often more guttural and can have a raspier quality to it. The pitch, duration, and tone can vary between individual animals as well.