'Get To the Farm' 10 Must-See Channels

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMWuq2LJ4jA

Duration: 9:09

Hi there its Sue with Get to the Farm

Homesteading is a lifestyle that has gained popularity in recent years, as more and more people seek to live a simpler and more self-sufficient existence. Homesteading involves growing your own food, raising animals, and generally living off the land. Moving to a homestead can be a big and exciting step, but it also requires careful planning and preparation.

Homesteading requires a wide range of skills, from gardening and animal husbandry to carpentry and plumbing. Learning new skills and making tough decisions is an essential aspect of homesteading life. It is important to be willing to learn and to be patient with yourself as you develop these new skills.

Adding animals to your homestead is a big step, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. Raising chickens, goats, or pigs can provide you with fresh eggs, milk, and meat.

Brewing kombucha is another popular activity among homesteaders. Kombucha is a fermented tea that is believed to have many health benefits. Enjoying the homesteading life is all about finding joy in the simple things, like watching the sun rise over your garden or enjoying a fresh cup of coffee on your front porch.

So let's pull up a seat and learn what other homesteaders are up to this week.

Big welcome to the https://www.youtube.com/@homesteadhealthcoach we look forward to learning more about you!

Brett and Debra were always drawn to the idea of self-sufficiency and living off the land. They moved to Arkansas and established https://www.youtube.com/@TinyFarmNuggets/, where they could retire while also working on their farm.

Speaking of fun, the annual festivities are under way at Tom Pemberton's! The crowds were out full force to see the dairy cows as they celebrate the return to spring pastures at https://www.youtube.com/@TomPembertonFarmLife/.

Grass is important to cow digestion as it provides the basis for the fermentation in their guts. While we don't chew a cud, humans also benefit by the right balance of benefical bacteria in our guts.

For instance, since kombucha is rich in probiotics that support gut health, it can aid digestion and boost immunity.

Kombucha is a fermented drink made from tea, sugar, and a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY). While the health benefits of kombucha are not scientifically proven, it is believed to have various potential health benefits due to the presence of organic acids, vitamins, and probiotics.

While store-bought kombucha is readily available, many people choose to brew their own at home. Some benefits of brewing your own kombucha include:

Brewing your own kombucha can be much cheaper than buying it at the store. You can control the quality of the ingredients you use and avoid additives or preservatives that may be present in store-bought kombucha. Plus brewing your own kombucha allows you to experiment with different flavors and ingredients.

It is important to note that improperly brewed kombucha can grow molds which may be harmful to consume. Always follow proper fermentation and storage practices to ensure the safety of your homemade kombucha.

https://www.youtube.com/@thewellnesshomesteader takes us along for tips and tricks with kombucha as she brews a new batch and then shows us how to flavor and ferment for the final product.

check out our Kombucha playlist:

Sherrie and Bobby Black grow various varieties of fruit, tropical and sub tropical fruits and vegetables on their Homestead. https://www.youtube.com/@BlacksTropicalHomestead is about their love for one another, growing an edible forest. We take a peek at their results for the egg & crop harvest entries.

https://www.youtube.com/@thetinyraptorfarm9649 is a small 6 acre homestead with a family of 4 building the self sufficent lifestyle they have always dreamed of living.

Next we stop in at https://www.youtube.com/@ramseyfamilyramblings3820/
After 30 years of rambling with the Air Force, Ramsey Family is settling down and looking for a new way together. We join them as they take time off the new barn build to install perimeter fencing for their new homestead.

We head west to catch up with G Bear's Off Grid Ways https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-DxiN6IKmgI4elq1HMKAkg for a look at their solar set up.

Flanagan homestead https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNm_JWA4FL2hzkv_pBKbaAgis reviewing sheep and goats on the new homestead in Washington. they love to share Tips and Tricks for family country living.

We pop in at Montana Haven Alaska Edition. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOJTF8XcmZwNedBsYxz2j6w They have finished prep and are moving into the new place.

check out our Kombucha playlist:

check out out video:

Get to the Farm
Get Me to the Farm
homesteading basics
How to garden
Cook with me