How to Make the Dumping Ground's Tear and Share Bread | CBBC

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Duration: 2:09

Tear and share this yummy bread from the Dumping Ground!

Grab your friends and family around the kitchen for this doughy, delicious goodness.

You will need:

500g strong flour
7g fast action yeast
300ml warm water
2 teaspoons Salt
1 teaspoon sugar
50g pesto
125g mozzarella (grated)
75g sun-dried tomatoes
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
ground black pepper
rolling pin


1. In a large bowl mix the flour and salt and in a jug place the warm water, yeast and sugar and leave for 5 minutes until bubbly.
2. Add the liquid to the flour mixture and mix until combined then place on a floured surface and knead for 10-15 minutes until the dough is stretchy and smooth.
3. Leave in a covered bowl to prove for an hour.
4. In the meantime finely slice the sun dried tomatoes.
5. After an hour place the dough on a floured surface and knock the dough back by kneading for a couple of minutes.
6. Cut the dough into 2, roll out the first piece and spread half with pesto and half with the sun-dried tomato and sprinkle over some cheese. Roll the dough up and cut to make small swirled buns (which resemble a cinnamon roll) you should have about 7 or 8 half pesto flavour and half tomato. Arrange these together on a greased tray.
7. Roll out the second half of the dough and cover half with pesto and half with the tomatoes and sprinkle over some cheese. This time instead of rolling the dough fold it in half over the toppings and slice to make 8 sticks (4 pesto, 4 tomato).
8. Twist these to make dough sticks and arrange around the swirl.
9. Cover with a piece of greased cling film and leave to prove for an hour.
10. When the bread has proved sprinkle the remaining cheese over the top and bake at 200°C/400°F/Gas 6 for 25-30 until golden.
11. Serve with a sprinkling of black pepper and the fresh parsley scattered over the top.

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Dumping Ground
How to
How to make bread
Tear and share bread
Cooking skills
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