Hydro dipping hair (with hair color) We try HYDRO DIPPING with hair, does it work? 🌈🌟🌈

Hydro dipping hair (with hair color) We try HYDRO DIPPING with hair, does it work? 🌈🌟🌈

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um54gbMAV9U

Duration: 5:28

Hydro dipping hair (with hair color) We try HYDRO DIPPING with hair, does it work? 🌈🌟🌈. What happens if you hydro drip your hair ? We think about it to try the Hydro dipping technic with hair. So we tried out it with a doll head.Many thanks to my hairdressing friend that helped me to try it out. Take care Pink Peach 🍑.PS I’m thinking about to do more videos like that with my friend. #hydrodipping #hydrodiphair

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