INTRO 500 SUBS (THANK YOUU/ GRACIAAAS) - Clock of Endless Dreams

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Duration: 4:03

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Wow... estoy demasiado contento con el avance que ha dado el canal, feliz de saber que mi contenido ha llegado a muchas personas y les ha gustado, de verdad, muchas gracias, seguiré mejorando y subiendo contenido original y creativo :DDD

Recuerden que no deben formar odio en la comunidad, no hay canales originales de "Touhou Project" existen pocos pero no son reconocidos y son japoneses, el contenido que se sube es con fines de entretener y de conocer, en mi caso, lo hago porque me gusta, no con fines comerciales, así que espero recibir muuucho amor en el canal

Responderé lo mas rápido posible cuando envíen comentarios y si tienen dudas, necesitan buscar alguna canción, grupo, soundtrack, respondere con gusto

Muchas gracias por el +500 suscriptores


Wow ... I'm too happy with the progress the channel has made, happy to know that my content has reached many people and they liked it, really, thank you very much, I will continue to improve and upload original and creative content :DDD

Remember that you should not form hatred in the community, there are no original channels of "Touhou Project" there are few but they are not recognized and they are Japanese, the content that is uploaded is for the purpose of entertaining and knowing, in my case, I do it because I like it, not for commercial purposes, so I hope I get a lot of love on the channel

I will respond as quickly as possible when you send comments and if you have questions, you need to look for a song, group, soundtrack,
I will answer with pleasure

Thank you very much for the +500 subscribers

Material adicional/Additional material/

Black Shadows Chibi - "Nendoroid" Example/ejemplo:

Videos de diferentes circulos, se encuentran en el canal con su respectiva descripcion (solo vocal) y Pvs con su descripcion
Videos of different circles, are in the channel with their respective description (only vocal) and Pvs with their description

Introduccion Voz/Voice introduction CC: (A Reverie of Dolls and Stellula - YonderVoice)

Voz/Voice "Touhou Project": (Phantasmagoria of Flower View - Kyoto Fantasy Troupe Credits)

Risa/Laugh: (Tragical Garnet - EastNewSound)

Musica de fondo/Background music: (Yuuka's Music Box)

Instrumentales/instrumental: (Rayrain Another Story Garden - CONAGUSURI)

(Sweet's Time, Scarlet Chronicle - Sync.Art's)

Imagen/image "Gensokyo":

Imagen/image (Yakumo Yukari):

Este video esta creado a partir de Adobe Premiere Pro
Material creado por mi (lienzos, personajes, escenarios, arreglos, edición, tipografías y mas) Photoshop y Paint Tool Sai

No hay referencias ni ayudas aparte, todo fue originado apartir de mi concepto, mi pensamiento

Espero les guste n.n


This video is created from Adobe Premiere Pro
Material created by me (canvases, characters, settings, arrangements, editing, fonts and more) Photoshop and Paint Tool Sai

There are no references or separate aids, everything was originated from my concept, my thought

I hope you like it n.n

Copyright: Clock of Endless Dreams