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Duration: 2:06

UFO Disclosure Secret Meeting with David Grusch!
UFO Disclosure Secret Meeting!! This is BREAKING NEWS! Grusch is doing secret meetings and the information is leaking everywhere! DISCLOSURE IS COMING!

David Grusch held a secret meeting in New York held by a Wall Street big wig where Grusch revealed that he was part of an extremely secret program that had figured out how to track and find UAPs in our atmosphere and near earth orbit he said his op-ed will include much more details regarding this he was told about a UAP that was in our possession that had a diameter of around 40 feet but once you went inside it was the size of a football field they believe that the object was somehow able to manipulate both time and space

Tune in for the most exciting UFO compilation of common era!

I provide full commentary and my commentary is opinion not proven facts, feel free to share your thoughts and theories in the comments!

This is not just a growing phenomena but something you can capture yourself! I'm still blown away by my first experience!

#ufo #uap #paranormal #NHI #uapdisclosure #uapdisclosureact #disclosure #ufotwitter #alien

Full Story: I actually went to a private 60-person presentation with David grusch as the speaker. This was mostly all private citizens. As in professors, lawyers, business people, a few scientists, retired military, current fbi, and other government agency members. In the end, we were allowed to allowed to ask questions. Some asked him about this, and what he said was that he was part of an extremely secret program that had figured out how to track and find uap's in our atmosphere and near earth orbit. He said his oped will include much more details regarding this.
It was hosted by a wall street big wigs and his lawyer friend. It was sort of a small saloon style talm. David also did it for free. Even went as far as to fly in to NYC just for this. He had arrived only a few hours beforehand and then left 1st thing the next day. The idea was to get a group of both skeptics and believers from all these different walks of life for a talk regarding David and the things he has said. Most of the people that left had left as believers. Or at the very least believed that David was not lying and truly believed everything he said. He also mentioned a few other things that I haven't heard him say before. Like that, he was told about a uap that was in our possession that had a diameter of around 40 ft, but once u went inside, it was the size of a football field. They believed that the object was somehow able to manipulate both space and time. He also said that the objec wast both using and creating energy that was more than a terrawatt when measured. Which is an absolutely ridiculous amount of power, something along the Iines of 1,000,000,000,000 watts. He also mentioned that he had recently been informed that a US adversary was considering full disclosure to get out ahead of the US and that he passed this information along to the US government. He also alluded to the retaliation that wqs had taken against him. It sounded pretty terrifying, and he wasn't the only one to be retaliated against. Multiple people involved in not only his investigation but also his fellow peers in the uap task force, such as Jay stratton, were also threatened. He wouldn't go too much into since it's an open investigation , but these people pretty showed him that they could touch him or his family any time they wanted. He also mentioned that the US has taken part in a fair amount of crash retrevials before 1933. Also that we wouldn't be surprised by what the NHI look like, such as they look like the typical grey and they aren't sure where these being have come from. There is also a chance that they are extra dimensional, but that it could also just seem this way because of the technology they use rather than them being actual extra dimensional beings. Interestingly, he also mentioned how many people know the full scope of the phenomenon to be no more then 50 people, but it wasn't clear whether this meant 50 people currently alive or 50 people ever in history. All in all, it was extremely interesting and pretty hopeful for the future of disclosure ( This was after the uap amendment was shut down.) and that he believes we will know much more in the near future.
And apparently, it was the only private non goverment talk that he has done so far. As for how I feel about everything after hearing him speak. He is extremely smart, I mean, he has an almost unbelievable memory and knowledge about intel laws and other things that have to do with uap's. My opinion is that he is the real deal. Almost everyone left that night with fully believing what he was saying or, at the very least, that HE believed what he was saying as the truth. So, eithier way you cut it, I believe he is telling the truth as he knows it.

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