Keren's eye control skills outsmart Dr Mick

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Duration: 0:18

Dr Mick meets his match! Watch Keren’s face light up as she pounces on a ‘Four-in-a Row’ error by our Founder and CEO in our own free-to-play, browser-based ‘Eye Gaze Games’. THIS is the kind of winning feeling your fantastic #OneSpecialDay support will make possible for people with severe physical disabilities across the world!

Keren, who lives in the US, is now having the time of her life playing games using her eyes. She has severe cerebral palsy and her eyes provide the only reliable movement she has, but with a customised software setup and ongoing support provided by Dr Mick Donegan and our specialist occupational therapists, she’s able to join in the fun and compete against her family and friends, all by herself. “Thanks so much for making it possible!” said her father.

SpecialEffect is a UK-based charity that helps people with severe disabilities to play video games.