Knight Preceptor/Crusader review and converted model showcase (knight crusader pt: 2

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Duration: 16:01

ATTENTION NOBLES OF THE IMPERIUM YOUR ATTENTION IS REQUIRED for this video is a review of the imperial knight preceptor kit with the model built up as a knight crusader with some personal touches

So to start the knight is a highly detailed kit especially around the torso which bears a lot of injection moulded details upon it, all visible surfaces have some measure of detail on them and rightly so though not all the details are overwhelming. that being said depending on how much work you want to put in it can take you ages to paint them.

some negative points:
- while the arms are removable the lack of more than 1 pair of shoulders in the kit does mean that you can't swap out the arms without use of magnets and 3rd party bits which is outright lousy for such a pricy kit.
- it doesn't even have enough parts on sprue to build both missile launchers as separate hot swappable parts it's either you magnetize the front of the launcher or you have one option of launcher and i find that sad, the pin on the missile pod is also too short so the launcher wobbles around (as seen)
- the legs are one pose and that pose looks boring

all that aside the kit is a nice kit with a lot to enjoy and as you could see in the basing video I had a lot of fun on this model's base and on the model it's self. there is plenty of room to go crazy on freehanded details on the model's armour pannels and carapace though due to a stuffup when painting that added grit to the carapace i chose to go heavy on the rust and weathering up there

while i will come back in future to work on the heraldry for the knight house on it's house icon panels that'll be a ways off as from here on wards i am wanting to get the other knights in my house done so i can come back and in one go do their heraldry with custom sentils and a bit of free handing. working out all the names for every knight will be interesting too since the traditional 40k names don't really suit the theme of my knight house. anyway I hope you enjoy the video and thank you for watching

imperial knights
are imperial knights good
knight review
imperial knight crusader review
converted imperial knight
are imperial knights worth their cost
custom imperial knights
knight crusader
imperial knight review
knight preceptor review
questoris knights review
custom imperial knight house knights