Kuiperium Review - The Stars Are Dark & Full Of Terror

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26o0ghyGCc8

Duration: 12:58

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Kickstarter Link - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/whitewatercsstle/kuiperium

Kuiperium is a two player scifi themed game where you'll take the role of a corporation building a space station along the kuiper asteroid belt with the goal of mining "Kuiperium". Kuiperium is a newly discovered element and is incredibly valuable. Race against your opponent to gain control of the space station, mine the most kuiperium and ultimately launch towards new frontiers.
In Kuiperium you'll be playing card into your tableau gaining abilities and rewards but be careful, every card you play has a worker placement location that ONLY your opponent can use.
Place workers, gain rewards and climb the discovery track.
Push you luck, tableau building, worker placement, take that, resource and hand management.
This game has very simple rules but every decision is full of tension and strategy.

BGG Link - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/341275/kuiperium

0:00:00 - Overview
0:06:39 - Ease of Play
0:07:14 - What I Like
0:08:42 - What I Don't Like
0:10:53 - What I Can See Others Not Liking
0:11:32 - Final Thoughts
0:12:21 - Recommendations

5.0 - My absolutely favorite games. You can pry them out of my cold dead hands.
4.5 - Love this game! At the same time missing something that would make it a 5. Could be hard to table, lacking variability, a little light, etc.
4.0 - Really great game, almost always keeping, although has meaningful complaints as to what takes away from the experience.
3.5 - Really enjoyed, don't love it, may lose out to better games but the idea of never playing again is a bit sad.
3.0 - A good game, would play and suggest with the right people, if I never played it again wouldn't lose any sleep.
2.5 - A game I'd play again , but will never suggest it myself
2.0 - A game I don't want to play again
1.5 - A game I can't find any reason to recommend
1.0 - A game that is just bad.

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For media inquiries, please email alex@boardgameco.com
For Gamefound inquiries, please email me at a.radcliffe@gamefound.com
