Lego Stop Motions: DC / Marvel - Team Arrow & Hawkeye VS Cupid & Prometheus

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Duration: 4:05

One of the inmates snuck in into the evidence room and released Cupid and Prometheus from the Phantom Zone. Overwatch who is Felicity Smoak with Kojo Sledgehammer who is Alena Whitlock and Darcy Lewis work together and opens their laptops and video films it so they can make it viral. Green Arrow says they have failed this city while Prometheus says that he is ten steps ahead of him. After sending the Cupid and Prometheus back to the Phantom Zone, Team Arrow and Hawkeye tell each other well done, they did a good job on taking down Cutter and Chase and says thank you. At the end, Brother Eye with Nevelocity captures the whole video from the surveillance camera and records the battle too. THE END. Featuring Black Manta/David Kane, Dragon/Ricardo Diaz, Nevel Papperman, Green Arrow/Oliver Queen, Dark Arrow, Dark Archer/Malcolm Merlyn, Drax, Master Frown, Overgirl, Overwatch/Felicity Smoak, Evil Vision, Black Canary #1/Dinah Laurel Lance, Lex Luthor, Zombie Dr. Strange, Huntress/Helena Bertinelli, Darcy Lewis, Zombie Iron Man, Zombie Captain America, Brother Eye/Cooper Seldon, Wild Dog/Rene Ramirez, Cupid/Carrie Cutter, Black Canary #2/Dinah Drake, General Shepherd, Lord Voldemort, Evil Ghost/Ava Starr, Brick/Danny Brickwell, Mr. Terrific/Curtis Holt, Doodlebob, Task Master/Antonia Dreykov, Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawne, Wicked Witch, Zombie Falcon, Ponnie/Fawn Liebowitz, Damien Darhk, Murmur/Michael Amar, Nora Dershlit, Ra’s Al Ghul, Zombie Scarlet Witch, Spartan/John Diggle, Hawkeye #1/Clint Barton, Kojo Sledgehammer/Alena Whitlock, Prometheus/Adrian Chase, General Zod, Hawkeye #2/Kate Bishop, Crazy Steve, Vladimir Makarov, Cheetah/Barbara Ann Minerva, HIVE Ghosts, Krait, Pirate Foot Soldier #1, Pirate Foot Soldier #2, General Shark Army #1, Shadow Company, AIM Agents, AIM Agent Drone, Safe Robber, Mountain Robber #1, Mountain Robber #2, Jaws The Shark, Winged Monkey, Swamp Creature, T-Rex, Velociraptor, Zombie Pirate, ATV Police Officer, Mountain Police Officer #1 and Mountain Police Officer #2.