Let's Play Corpse Killer! (2 of 2)

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6PO0UFh5HE

Let's Play
Duration: 38:31

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Let's Play Corpse Killer 25th Anniversary Edition! Part 2 of 2.


You're stranded on an uncharted island of Death. You're zombifying from Voodoo poison. A mad scientist is on your trail. Hundreds of rotting stiffs are crawling out of their graves to chew your guys, and you can't kill 'em. They're already dead.

You are an unnamed United States marine that is airdropped onto a tropical island on a top secret mission to stop the evil Dr. Hellman, who plans to release his army of zombies on the world. With Winston and Julie, your mission is to infiltrate Hellman's compound and rescue four of your comrades and stop Dr. Hellman from carrying out his plan.

Hollywood quality production, cast and entertainment.
Directed by Jon Lafia.
Shoot at hundreds of real video zombies.
Starring Vincent Schiavelli, Jeremiah Birkett, Bridget Butler.



Watch in 4K if ya like.

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This video is exclusively for educational/critique/satire purposes and is all done in fair use.

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fmv horror
british youtuber
raw geek
the raw geek
let's play corpse killer
lets play corpse killer
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