Maze of the Kings (DEMUL 0.7)

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Duration: 36:09

First thing's first: Something was really off with the mouse and crosshairs aim here, you can see both my mouse cursor and the little red DEMUL targeting reticule on screen and the majority of my shots not being anywhere close to either. As I'm playing with infinite credits, it didn't really matter too much, but it's not just me being crap at the game.

So, I picked up an old issue of Retro Gamer magazine the other day specifically because it featured Daytona USA and R-Type 2 on the cover, 2 of my favourite retro games (I somehow managed to miss this issue on its original release and had to pick it up through eBay).

One of the articles in the magazine was a regular feature that looked at unconverted arcade games (and their closest home version alternatives) and the one covered this month was Maze of the Kings. It's one of Sega's slightly more obscure on-rails lightgun games for the NAOMI arcade board - I say obscure, because I never saw one in the arcade back in the day and only first heard of it when I first started to get into DEMUL several years ago. I found somewhere to download the game from back then, had a quick play on it in DEMUL thought 'meh' and promptly forgot all about it. But, after hearing Retro Gamer wax lyrical about it in their article I thought I should give it another try...

It's certainly no House of the Dead. The graphics seem pretty basic for a NAOMI game and the voice acting in this makes the voice acting in HOTD seem like Shakespeare in comparison... But, it's a fun little shooter with the intriguing twist that it randomly generates the path through the levels each time you play, so each playthrough is slightly different. Also, it gets bonus points from me because I love Egyptian mythology. Who doesn't love shooting, Mummies, Anubis looking bad guys and Tutankhamen right in the freaking face, right????

This is working on a slightly older version of DEMUL 0.7 BTW, on the newest version the game kept throwing up a missing file error

#Sega #MazeOfTheKings #SegaNaomi

Maze of the Kings
Sega Naomi
light gun games
on rails shooter
House of the Dead
Arcade shooter