My Take on the Collatz Conjecture Part 1 Getting Started

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Duration: 22:41

I predict that my computer is very close to failing and I will no longer have one at my disposal. I am putting out this video series to sort of beat the clock. I will continue with my normal game videos after this is all up, but I at least wanted this to get put online before I could no longer present it for now.

The main purpose of this series of videos is to not only pass on some information about my approach to the Collatz Conjecture, but also to let people who may only have a just-get-by knowledge of math be able to grasp the concepts I am presenting. I could have just shown my work in a much shorter video, but then no one would really have had a chance to learn or discover anything along the way. I don't want this to be a lecture, I want it to be an exploration.

If I happen to have also created some sort of proof for the Collatz Conjecture along the way, wonderful! If not, then at least someone out there can learn from what little I am presenting here.

I think that because the output of the large equation appears as a cross between a wave and a matrix, I am going to call it a Lambda Function.

Part 2:

Collatz Conjecture