Obama Care Mandate Is Not A Tax?

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5a3GpwAGGk

Duration: 2:20

Obama Care Mandate Is Not A Tax?

WASHINGTON—In a surprise conclusion to a constitutional showdown, Chief Justice John Roberts joined the Supreme Court's four liberals Thursday to uphold the linchpin of President Barack Obama's health plan, the individual mandate requiring citizens to carry insurance or pay a penalty.

By a 5-4 vote, the court held the mandate valid under Congress' constitutional authority "to lay and collect Taxes" to provide for "the general Welfare of the United States." The penalty for failing to carry insurance possesses "the essential feature of any tax," producing revenue for the government, Chief Justice Roberts wrote.

Obama Care Mandate Is Not A Tax?

Although the Obama administration always asserted the penalty was valid under the federal taxing power, until Thursday no court had fully accepted that theory. Those that upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as the law is known, did so under Congress's constitutional power to regulate interstate commerce.

President Obama
Health Care Plan
Health Care Mandate
Supreme Court Decision
Obama Care Decision
Bob Schieffer
Face The Nation
George Stephanopoulos
Obama Interview
Mandate Not A Tax
kathleen sebelius
Mandate Upheld
Liberal Victory
Health Care Tax
Obama lied
John Roberts
Affordable Care Act
Obama Care Fines
Obama Care Penalty
obama care
Obama Care tax
Premium Increase
affordable care act
premium hike
hillary clinton
barack obama