Otakuthon 2017: Speedtune

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRVo-XRwBMQ

Duration: 1:21:44

2017/08/05. Anime Speedtune made its return to Otakuthon! Technical difficulties forced us to start 10 minutes late, so we had to skip audience participation. But we ended up finishing the show on time! Sorry, no audience camera due to a malfunction.


This time, the new gimmick was control pressure. Some topics required the chooser to score once in that topic or else the chooser was eliminated. Topics under control pressure included all seasonal topics to discourage them from being chosen too early, and all sensei topics. There were also two new panic modes introduced: 1-ON-X, and EASIEST TOPIC EVER? Control pressure and pure n00b/pure sensei topics are temporary gimmicks and will be shelved for 2018. They might return some day!

At OT15, the total answer rate record was set at .792, which still stands today. We thought the Otakuthon players were super smart. OT17 looked like it would have some great games... but then every open game was completely one-sided. The 6 finalists combined for 244 points in their open games. The other 18 players combined for 64 points. What a disappointment!

All 4 OT15 finalists made the grand final again this year. Scruffy, the only newcomer to make the grand final, is a friend of Chris. Clive got in as the second wild card with a measly 14 points because no non-finalist scored more than 7.

The Chester Bennington topic was a last-minute design. Linkin Park had a major influence in the AMV community, so a tribute was the least we could do. The topic was under control pressure to encourage only a diehard Linkin Park fan to choose it, but alas, that wasn't the case...

NOOB: 7/7 (all)
EASY: 29/35 (.829)
MEDIUM: 32/52 (.615)
OTAKU: 29/52 (.558)
SENSEI: 2/12 (.167)

TOTAL: 99/158 (.627)

Anime Speedtune
Anime North Game Shows
Name That Tune
Anime Name That Tune