PE vs HoD 384D 879 points

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Duration: 1:21

Nirvana Emblem, LRRR

S0 PE, 1304 ATK, 13.4% crit damage, 0.37 sp/s

The others also have decent damage affixes but the damage is really not a problem in this run, maybe you can even use blood embrace. I NEVER had a run where i lacked damage. Oh and you could just use the crit damage emblem.

Ok, so, this run if fucking hell (at least for me).
The opening is pretty simple (i actually spent zero effort on it, maybe there ia a faster opening but probably not?), you should ult with HoS at 987 and with PE at 979. It is not too hard to ult at 980 but i don't think it is worth the effort for half a point.
After ulting with PE you have to dodge while holding the dpad to lower left, so that the charge will push HoD towards the center of the arena. After the charge, HoD will move to the center of the arena, and very likely you are going to lose time following it because the dodge dash after changing forms won't reach. This is a major time loss (yeah it is only a few points but this is a very short fight) and it can lead to a ton of troubles later in the run so try your best to hit with the shield charge as soon as possible.
Being close enough to the center to immediately hit HoD is pretty hard.

The next part is farming sp, if you can get a bit more sp regen it will make things way easier. The number of sp you need feels inconsistent tbh, but you should have at the very least 82 sp when switching out, and 84 is always enough. A basic attack series plus maybe a dodge is enough. If you lost time earlier cuz you were too far you will have to deal with the lasers and their stupidly high interrup, making everythin way harder.
Go to HoS and ult (i don't think you can do the second ult any earlier than this when using these gloves). Ult with Carole (the lasers can still knock you down) then when PE QTEs in she should have exactly 98 sp, use the evasion skil for the last 2 sp then it is easy.
Maybe you can score one point higher if you cut off the charge slightly earlier.

I don't know if you can score higher with nebulous, i had pretty much the same results and in the end DoS just felt easier to use. Maybe you need sp regen on HoS to use nebulous.
I used this as ref

Full gear PE has a way easier time with sp regen and you can skip the charge on the nucleus at the end. Ref here but it seems carole's and PE's ults in the second part are 4 points late, maybe because of neb instead of DoS.

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