Pipevanes Original: Struggle

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUnlTK4Erek

Duration: 2:02

----------------------------------- READ THE DESCRIPTION -----------------------------------

First of all, I'm fine.
This is not the kind of video I usually post, but I think it is important to let you know is happening in my country now: Chile.

Known as the most austral country in the world, Chile is a long and thin stripe shaped country full of lovely people. However, in spite of living surrounded by the most arid desert and the Valdivian forest, there are so many inequalities to struggle against. Education is expensive and low quality, the sanitary system is collapsing with a lack of medical supplies in public hospitals, the elder ones must keep working after retirement because their pensions are low, the public transport is expensive too, and there are a lot of more inequalities. People began to protest in a desperate way for changing our actual system.

High school students began to protest in a desperate way for changing our actual system, but the Government responded with violence. The president declared "State of Emergency", he sent military forces to repress people and imposed a curfew. Now we cannot circulate in the streets from 6 PM on, and there is so much people badly injured by the military and cops. They suppress the peaceful protests but the sacking keep going on. They are burning our buildings and making barricades, and the only way we can be informed is through social media.

I composed this song full with the feelings I have now and the feelings of many people. I wanted to represent the protest, the discomfort and repression.

And again, don't worry, I'm fine.
But, maybe, there will be dark times...


----------------------------------- LINKS & SUPPORT -----------------------------------
Streaming Services & Stores:
+ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2t3OVx7Zo6Zk8wgvfQXrwI
+ Apple Music/iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/pipevanes/1481131853
+ Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/artist?id=Agr5z2unygojo76vbham646bdhe
+ Amazon Music: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Pipevanes&i=digital-music&search-type=ss&ref=ntt_srch_drd_B07YBY6WFM

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Paypal: https://paypal.me/pipevanes

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/pipevanes

------------------------------- CONTACT --------------------------------

If you want to contact me for use my songs, for a project or anything, e-mail me to: pipevanes.dm@gmail.com

Pictures source:
Thumbnail: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protestas_en_Chile_de_2019
Picture 1: https://www.epicentrochile.com/2019/10/22/marcha-por-la-salud-masiva-manifestacion-se-registra-en-vina-del-mar/
Picture 2: https://misionesonline.net/2019/10/21/chile-pinera-envia-tanques-a-reprimir-las-protestas-y-decretan-toque-de-queda/

#Chile #ChileDesperto #ProtestasChile

Pipevanes Music
Protestas Chile