Prince of Persia, プリンスオブペルシャ, PC98 Longplay - Walkthrough (Broderbund, NEC PC-9801) VIDEO
The PC98 Prince of Persia has amazingly high resolution graphics and a final stage not found in the original Apple 2 version. This final stage (55:11) was very hard!
00:51 LEVEL01
03:48 LEVEL02
07:56 LEVEL03
11:14 LEVEL04
16:00 LEVEL05
19:53 LEVEL06
21:09 LEVEL07
26:52 LEVEL08
33:39 LEVEL09
42:11 LEVEL10
46:19 LEVEL11
50:02 LEVEL12
Prince of Persia, プリンスオブペルシャ, Broderbund, 1990.
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Other Statistics Prince of Persia Statistics For くしかつ Kushikatsu At present, くしかつ Kushikatsu has 25,374 views spread across 2 videos for Prince of Persia, and close to an hours worth of content for Prince of Persia published on his channel. This makes up less than 0.99% of the total overall content on くしかつ Kushikatsu's YouTube channel.