Prison Nightmare | Silent Hill 2 (PC) - Part 13

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Duration: 25:49


God, this place. The atmosphere is pretty much unmatched by any other location in this game. I wonder what this place will look like in the remake! And if they include the bathroom jumpscare 😅

When it comes to other Silent Hill games, I honestly feel like, even though the third game feels the most demonic and scary, Silent Hill 2 seems like an eerier game to me. There are just SO many moments where you enter an empty, creepy room, expecting something to jump at you, and it never happens.

I remember the very first time I played the Born From A Wish side scenario. I pretty much ruined the base game for myself by watching it on YouTube, so I decided not to spoil this part! In my first playthrough, I spent at least 30 minutes total straight-up unable to progress through some parts because I could FEEL the jumpscare coming, but it never did 😅

I love Silent Hill 😎

Action difficulty: Normal
Riddle difficulty: Hard

PC specs:
MOBO - GIGABYTE GA-B75M-D3V (rev. 1.1)
CPU - Intel Core i5-3550 3.3 GHz
GPU - MSI Radeon RX 580 ARMOR 8G OC
GPU Cooler - Stock
RAM - 2x4GB DDR3 1600 MHz
SSD - GoodRam CL100 gen.3 240 GB
OS - Windows 10 Pro

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Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams Statistics For WoodhengeGaming

WoodhengeGaming currently has 1,258 views spread across 21 videos for Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams. About 8 hours worth of Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams videos were uploaded to his channel, or 2.31% of the total watchable video on WoodhengeGaming's YouTube channel.