Replace Docker for Mac using the Docker CLI and Docker-Machine with Virtualbox

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Duration: 13:00

Chapters will be added later

# intro


Recently the folks behind the Docker project, in a perfectly reasonable attempt at monetizing

announced that for companies of more than 250 employees or greater than 10M usd in annual revenue

will have to transition to a 7 USD per user per month model. At 250 employees with say half in engineering
that's 125 x 7 x 12 = 10.5k per year for Docker on the Desktop but more like 31.5k at 21 usd per month per employee for the enterprise features like SSO and such

# Caveats

The Docker for Desktop suite does have some value add that if you use you should ask your employer

to pay for but for me and my use-case I just need to be able to run some cointainers maybe even some

docker-compose files to spin up some interconnected sets of containers and if that's your usecase as

well then follow along.

# solution

There is a workaround that I will explain in this video that is pretty simple to do

# pre-reqs

First you'll need homebrew -- we like homebrew on this channel
An Internet connection
A modern-ish Intel mac -- I've not tested this on Apple Silicon -- so all you lucky folks with an M1 your mileage may vary
Paitence to run some terminal commands

# commands

# brew update && brew upgrade && brew install virtualbox && brew uninstall --cask docker && brew install docker && brew install docker-machine

# docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox --virtualbox-disk-size=100000 --virtualbox-memory=8192 --virtualbox-cpu-count=4 foo

Add eval $(docker-machine env foo) to your bashrc or zshrc

# test

# docker run -d -p 8080:80 nginx

# curl docker-host-ip:8080

# end

Thanks for watching

Docker for Mac
How to
Docker charging for desktop Docker