River City Ransom Demo

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM3tY4uriNs

Duration: 8:13

This is me playing River City Ransom, originally for the NES on the Wii Virtual Console.

The actual purpose here is to demonstrate for some friends of mine what this game is like, since it's pretty obscure and it's not surprising that it flew in completely under the radar for most people. It is for me the definitive beat 'em up on the NES, though. It comes with my highest and most earnest recommendation of all the offerings for the NES on the Virtual Console at this time. Seriously. I can't stress that enough.

There's so much ground to cover that I think I'd better just open the floor to questions in the video comments than try to explain every minute detail that goes on during just this tiny sample of the game. Ask away, I'm more than thrilled to be able to talk about this one...I hope that it's just as exciting to at least somebody out there as it is to me.

The reason for all this is that as some of you may or may not know, the Wii's Internet Channel was recently updated and made free of charge to download.

The people who paid to download it between when it was free as a beta and when it's free now will be compensated with a free NES game download valued at 500 points.

More than a couple of people I know were left uncertain as to what they should download, so I'm compiling a short series of videos of games that I'm more than pleased with for the price of $5, and I figured I'd share that with others in small-dose demonstration form.

I'm always happy to "demo" stuff like this, just as I did with Harvey Birdman, incidentally, if it can help people who are on the fence or unsure if they would like a game. This way, people who would like a game and otherwise remain unaware of it can make a more informed decision and those who are skeptical and may not in fact be interested after all can save themselves some grief. What could be better?

At any rate, expect some more of these in the near future. There's also always Castlevania, if that's your cup of tea...and its two sequels, actually. I've covered the first one quite in depth, so you can also check that one out if you might be interested there.
