Rob reports on : Super 8 (movie) ending spoiler

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Duration: 1:15

This video is me giving an ending spoiler for the movie The video is just me talking about how it ends. No video or photos from the movie are used.

Here is the spoiler written out, so you can follow along:

Overhearing questionable Air Force communication, Jack approaches Nelec to help quell the rising panic in town, but Nelec instead orders him secured in the base's prison. Nelec soon orders the forces to start a wildfire with flamethrowers on the outskirts of town, using it as a guise to evacuate the townspeople to the base. Meanwhile, Joe and Charles watch the footage they filmed at the derailment at his home and confirm that a large, alien creature had fled from the damaged train.

At the base, the boys learn from a repentant Dainard that Alice has gone missing, abducted by the creature the night before, after Dainard discovered her being seen with Joe. Joe, Charles, Martin, and Cary sneak back into town, intent on rescuing Alice. They first break into Dr. Woodward's storage locker at school, discovering films and documents from his time as a government researcher. One film shows the scientists, including Woodward, experimenting on an alien creature and its spaceship, composed of thousands of the white cubes, in 1958. It is revealed that the alien crash-landed on Earth a few years earlier, and that the Air Force has been thwarting its attempts to repair its spaceship so that they can hold it captive and experiment on it. At one point in the film, the alien grabs Woodward, and Joe surmises that it created a psychic link with Woodward, leading him to cause the derailment and aid in the alien's escape. The boys are caught by Nelec and his men, but as they are taken back to the base by bus, the alien attacks the vehicle. Nelec and his men are killed covering the boys' escape back to town. Meanwhile, Jack has escaped from the base's prison and made his way to the towns-folks, learning from Preston where Joe has gotten to. Jack tells Dainard about this and they reconcile their differences and work together to get back into town.

In town, much of the military hardware has gone haywire while the Air Force soldiers attempt to kill the alien. Martin is injured in the confusion. Charles stays behind to tend to Martin while Joe and Cary head to the cemetery where a large hole leads to a series of underground caverns. In a large chamber beneath the town's water tower, the two find the alien has created a device from the various stolen electronics attached to the base of the tower, and has kept several of the townspeople, including Alice, hung from the ceiling as food. They free Alice and attempt to escape from the rampaging alien, but are trapped in a dead end cavern. The alien grabs Joe, creating a telepathic bond, through which Joe tries to convince the alien that it can still live after the painful events of its captivity. The alien, after a moment, releases Joe and departs, allowing the three to return to the surface.

As they rejoin their fathers, they and the military are stunned as the water tower starts acting as an electromagnet, pulling in metallic objects. The white cubes break out of their containment and form the alien's spaceship around the tower. Joe finds his locket, containing a picture of his mother and himself, being drawn towards the tower, and decides to let it go. With the spaceship complete, the alien enters it; the water tower implodes and the ship launches itself into space.

Throughout the film, recurring themes are Martin throwing up, Cary lighting everything he can on fire, and Charles's catchphrases of "production value" and "that was mint!"

During the credits, the viewer is shown the completed film (The Case) by Charles and his friends.

Spoiler (film)
Super 8 Mm Film (Film Format)
Super 8 (film)
Film (Invention)