Rob reports on : X-Men : First Class (movie) Ending Spoiler

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Duration: 1:38

Note: This video is just me telling you the ending. I am not showing any clips from movie. No copyright material is used in this video

Here is some of the plot written out:

MacTaggert, seeking Xavier's advice on mutation, takes him and Raven to the CIA, where they convince the Director John McCone that mutants exist and Shaw is a threat. Another CIA executive sponsors the mutants and invites them to the secret "Division X" facility. MacTaggert and Xavier find Shaw as Lensherr is attacking him, rescuing Lensherr from drowning as Shaw escapes. Xavier brings Lensherr to Division X, where they meet young scientist Hank McCoy, a mutant with prehensile feet, who believes Raven's DNA may provide a "cure" for their appearance. Xavier uses McCoy's mutant-locating device Cerebro to seek recruits against Shaw. Xavier and Lensherr recruit stripper Angel Salvadore. Later, taxi driver Armando Muñoz, Army prisoner Alex Summers, and Sean Cassidy join, and code-name themselves Darwin, Havok, and Banshee, respectively. Raven dubs herself Mystique. Xavier and Lensherr also approach Wolverine, who declines with a profanity and who says go f*ck yourself .

When Frost meets with a Soviet general in the USSR, Xavier and Lensherr capture her and learn of Shaw's intentions to start World War III and trigger mutant ascendency. Meanwhile, Azazel, Riptide and Shaw attack Division X, killing everyone but the mutants, and asks them to join him. Angel accepts; when Havok and Darwin retaliate, Shaw absorbs Havok's energy blast and uses it to kill Darwin. With the facility destroyed, Xavier takes the mutants to his family mansion for training. There McCoy devises protective uniforms. In Moscow, Shaw compels the general to have the USSR install missiles in Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis ensues, with the U.S. instituting a blockade to stop the missiles from arriving. Shaw, wearing a helmet that foils Xavier's telepathy, shadows the Soviet fleet in a submarine to ensure the missiles arrive.

Raven attempts to seduce Lensherr, who instead convinces her to embrace her mutant nature. She then refuses McCoy's cure. Using the cure on himself backfires, rendering McCoy a blue leonine beast. McCoy pilots a variant SR-71 jet to take the mutants and MacTaggert to the blockade line. Lensherr uses his magnetic power to lift Shaw's submarine from the water to a nearby island. During the ensuing battle, Lensherr seizes Shaw's helmet, allowing Xavier to immobilize Shaw. Lensherr tells Shaw that he shares Shaw's exclusivist view of mutants but, to avenge his mother, kills Shaw—over Xavier's objections—by forcing a Nazi Reichsmark coin through his brain.

Fearing the mutants, both fleets fire their missiles at them, which Lensherr turns back in mid-flight. In a struggle, Xavier keeps Lensherr from destroying the fleets with the missiles, but when MacTaggert shoots at Lensherr, a deflected bullet hits Xavier in the spine. Lensherr leaves with Angel, Riptide, Azazel, and Mystique. A wheelchair-bound Xavier and his mutants return to the mansion, where he intends to open a school. MacTaggert promises never to reveal his location and they kiss; at a CIA debriefing later, she says she has no clear memory of recent events. Lensherr, in costume with the helmet and calling himself Magneto, frees Frost from confinement.

This video is about the end of the movie X-Men : First Class . The ending scene of X-Men : First Class is a topic of this video. How does the movie end? Watch this video to find out! It is filled with ending spoilers for the movie.

Note: I made the graphic in this video

Magneto (comics)