Rob reports on : Winter's Bone (movie) Ending Spoiler

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Duration: 1:09

Note: This video is just me telling you the ending. I am not showing any clips from the movie. No copyright material is used in this video

Here is some of the plot written out:

The sheriff tells Ree that if her father doesn't show up for his court date, they will lose the house because it was put up as part of his bond. Ree sets out to find her father, following his trail into a world where meth use is common, violence is frequent, women are scared of their men, and people are bound by codes of loyalty and secrecy. She starts with her meth-addicted uncle Teardrop (John Hawkes) and continues on to more distant kin, eventually trying to talk to the local crime boss, Thump Milton. Thump refuses to even see her; the only information Ree comes up with are warnings to leave the situation alone, and stories that Jessup died in a meth lab fire or skipped town to avoid the trial.

When Jessup fails to show for the trial, the bondsman comes looking for him and tells Ree that she will have about a week before the house and land are seized. Ree tells him that Jessup must be dead, because "Dollys don't run." He tells her that she will need to provide proof that her father is dead in order to avoid the bond being forfeited. Ree tries to go to see Thump again and is severely beaten by his women, since it would be improper for a man to hurt her. Teardrop shows up and rescues Ree, promising her attackers that she won't say anything or cause any more trouble. Teardrop tells Ree that her father was killed because he was going to inform on other meth cookers, but he does not know who killed Jessup, and warns her that if she ever finds out who did that she mustn't tell him because it could get him killed.

Teardrop decides to stir things up by confronting Thump's men and smashing their windshield. When the sheriff pulls Teardrop and Ree over after the altercation, Teardrop accuses him of telling Thump that Jessup was going to inform. When he shows the sheriff his rifle, the sheriff holsters his gun and lets them drive away.

A few nights later, the same three Milton women who beat Ree come to her house. They offer to take her to see "her daddy's bones." The women place a burlap sack on her head and drive her to a pond, where they get into a rowboat and row to the shallow place where her father's submerged body lies. They tell Ree to reach into the freezing water and grasp her father's hands so they can cut them off with a chainsaw; the severed, decaying arms will serve as proof of death for the authorities.

Ree takes the hands to the sheriff, telling him that someone flung them onto the porch of her house. The sheriff is concerned that she will tell others about the traffic stop, which would make him look weak. She assures him that she has no interest in talking about him to anyone.

Teardrop brings two baby chicks for Sonny and Ashlee to raise. The bondsman comes back to the house and gives Ree the cash portion of the bond, which was put up by an anonymous associate of Jessup. Ree tries to give Jessup's banjo to Teardrop, but he tells her to keep it at the house for him. As he's leaving, he tells her that he now knows who killed her father. Ree reassures Sonny and Ashlee that she won't ever leave them, regardless of the money she just received. As the film closes, Ashlee retrieves Jessup's banjo and begins to play.

Winter's Bone (Film)