Shiny Hunting revolution hope for a NEW more positive community for the future 4th shiny kyurem

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Duration: 17:12

I remember when the shiny hunting community was respected, fun, and friendly. trolls would attack saying fake hack etc everyone defended each other. now this community is an embarrassment really. I'll still post shinys for the old faithfuls out there but It's sad that it's degenerated to this. I see why so many quit and why so few are left standing. Thanks for the good times real shiny hunters, WE were shiny hunting when nobody did, we created something from nothing, nobody had over 1,000 subscribers back then, we built this thing from nothing, we created the path for everyone to enjoy poketubing, we grew it from our passion and pushed the haters aside, so sad to see it how it is now..... I feel bad for the future, and current shiny hunters. soul of Shiny Hunting is dead. I've invested a lot A LOT!!! of time, money, effort, and emotion helping build poketubing. I hope you all take a turn for the better. I don't want to kill the community, i'm just saying it needs to be rebuilt. and i'm to tired to do it, so i look to the active members now to help steer it in the right direction. like i said in the comments over 4 million views tons of comments 70% of it hate, trolling, and crap. I'm to tired to rebuild the community need some help from you all. (I have hope and faith it'll get better.)
Update: thanks for the comments and pm's everyone as long as people try we will have hope, be positive do your part, keep taking the high road, be friendly when you can and respectful. thanks for the help everyone i don't want to see something i put so much into keep going down this negative path. i put a lot of heart into this hobby i hope you all hear and answer the plea from an old shiny hunter like me.
