Smashing a centipede with the power of gacha

Smashing a centipede with the power of gacha

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Duration: 14:33

Himemushi Momoyo is a CAVED Minecraft centipede, also known as the objective best girl in Touhou 18, Touhou in general, and maybe any media, ever. Although around the average level for modern extra bosses in terms of pattern difficulty, she gets her head smashed in by a broken card system as I will demonstrate in this video.

Some notes:

Phenomenal music for both the stage and the boss, with the stage featuring a more complex structure while the boss theme is simple and energetic. While it doesn't have as strong a melody as previous ex stage masterpieces (Extend Ash, Last Remote etc), the technical advancement of ZUN's composition style is evident. I had thought the Neo-Touhou style had peaked at WBaWC, but this is among the few pieces from the new game that makes it evident that this wasn't the case.

Momoyo is an excellent boss with great pattern design in respect to both her character and gameplay. After an experiment of reducing patterns to absolute simplicity with Junko, ZUN has been delivering more creative patterns than ever. While most attacks are not particularly difficult once you figure out the trick, the amount of activity and decision making built into the patterns make her one of the most fun extra bosses in the series so far.

I've said all this for Saki, too. While Saki's focus was simple speed and power, Momoyo's central feature is restricting walls and bullets with non standard paths. Path reading, active movement and decision making all come in play, each pattern requiring a similar yet different strategy to figure out. While other bosses in the series has featured these ideas, this is one of the best executions of them so far.

05:00 Nonspell 1

The introduction of crawling bullet walls. Momoyo is very in-your-face about it, and is likely way past your comfort zone the first time you see it. Pretty easy from the second attempt on.

05:16 Venom "Cannibalistic Insect"

So this was my second attempt, and I had thought this was a rather easy spell since I've captured it both times... but my record since has shown otherwise. There is just something difficult to read about these curving bullet walls.

05:36 Nonspell 2

Crawling wall nonspell 2. Somehow, this feels more forgiving than the first one.

05:53 Venom "Cave Swarmer"

There is an obvious easy way to avoid this spell, but I opt not to do it since it basically invalidates the spell entirely. Until I take a hit, anyway.

06:27 Nonspell 3

Crawling wall nonspell 3.

06:43 Venom "Skypendra"

The first of the two curvy laser spells, this one is deceptively simple with only so many bullets, but any seasoned shooter knows that curving lasers are nothing to fuck with.

07:15 Nonspell 4

So this nonspell actually plays out the same way all the time for me so far, me forgetting it exists then forced to blow a bomb on it. Definitely one of the most deadly nonspells if you aren't aware of what's about to hit you.

07:24 Mining "Continuously Stacking Mine Dump"

Dumb mistake on an otherwise easy spell here. Being near top of the screen is pretty artificial since you can make bullets come from anywhere, but it's a cool thing once in a while.

07:52 Nonspell 5

While basically the same thing as the fourth one, I'm mentally prepared here since I now know it exists.

08:08 Mining "Mine Blast"

Same deal as the first spell, captured it pretty effortlessly the first two times and fucked up ever since. I can't even get it consistently in practice mode, so guess it's just a harder spell.

08:44 Nonspell 6

The music sometimes feels like it syncs with your movements here. Otherwise uneventful semi-static nonspell.

08:58 Mining "Youkai Shield Method"

Definitive easiest spell this EX stage, easier than the miniboss. Only way you can get hit here is if you severely lack power or you've been dozing off. Chimata had a dumb spin spell too, so maybe spin spells are easy this time around.

09:46 Nonspell 7

Semi-static nonspell 2.

10:00 Oomukade "Snake Eater"

This accursed spell has the least bullets out of any of her patterns, but is the hardest to read. I still have no idea how those blasted snake lasers curve, and it consistently manages to hit me whenever I think I'm in a blind spot.

10:23 Nonspell 8

Semi-static nonspell 3. I dodge most waves off the middle path here since I'm blind and can't fucking see apparently.

10:40 Oomukade "Dragon Eater"

Momoyo's most active spell. It's not as chaotic as Fujiyama Volcano, but is nevertheless pretty fun.

11:14 "Venomous Gourmet"

With a reference that does not translate well into English, this timeout spell is fun but pretty hard to figure out the first time. It's a shame I can't feature a better performance, but it's pretty easy to see the gimmick.

12:37 "The Bug Princess's Radiant and Restless Daily Life"

Rather unimpressive final spell for an ex boss, though the absolute walls in the fourth phase are quite awe inspiring to see the first time.