STOP! Jangan Nonton, Kalo Kamu Pernah Mengalami Gangguan!【Allen Yolbars ❍ SNOWDROP ID】

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Duration: 2:10:25

#vtuberid #allenyolbars #allenlive #vtuber

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Selama LIVE-Stream, mari kita ciptakan lingkungan yang positif dan saling menghormati untuk semua orang yang terlibat. Untuk memastikannya, aku ingin meminta kepada kalian semua untuk mengikuti beberapa aturan sederhana dan rupawan berikut ini:

☂ Harap saling menghormati sesama audiens dan ciptakan perdamaian dunia (?)

☂ Mohon untuk tidak berbagi informasi pribadi, serta tidak melakukan spam atau mempromosikan Channel lain.

Dengan mengikuti aturan-aturan ini, semoga kita semua merasa aman, nyaman, bahagia, sehat Sentosa, lahir dan batin.

【ENG 】
Hello everyone!

During my live-stream, I want to create a positive and respectful environment for everyone involved. To ensure that, I would like to kindly request that all of you follow a few simple rules:


☂ Please be respectful towards me and other members of the audience. No hate speech, bullying, or discriminatory comments will be tolerated.
☂ Keep the conversation positive and constructive. Let's support each other and have fun together!
☂ Please refrain from sharing personal information, as well as spamming or promoting other channels.

By following these rules, we can make sure that everyone feels safe, comfortable, and happy during our time together.

Live: #AllenLive
General: #AllenYolbars
Art: #AllenA
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It is important to note that all of these stories are fictional and part of the universe created by fans of "The SCP Foundation".
While i strive to create a positive and respectful environment during my live-stream, please be aware that i am not responsible for the behavior or actions of individual audience members. I reserve the right to remove any comments or individuals that violate our rules and guidelines. By participating in my live-stream, you agree to follow the rules and guidelines outlined above. I appreciate your cooperation in creating a fun and welcoming space for everyone.
GILA, Dilarang Masuk, TIDAK Harus, Menonton Livestream SCP, Nggak Usah Ditonton, TANTANGAN, Gak Ketakutan, Bosen, Livestream Biasa, Coba Aja Nonton, Tidak Tahu Apa-apa, SCP, Awas, Orang Pemberani, Layak Menonton, Kamu, Ngaku Gak Takut, Mengerikan, Bahas, GILA, Dilarang Masuk, TIDAK Harus, Menonton Livestream SCP, Nggak Usah Ditonton, TANTANGAN, Gak Ketakutan, Bosen, Livestream Biasa, Coba Aja Nonton, Tidak Tahu Apa-apa, SCP, Awas, Orang Pemberani, Layak Menonton, Kamu, Ngaku Gak Takut, Mengerikan, Bahas, STOP, Menyesal, Livestream SCP, Jangan Ditonton Sendirian, Bergidik, Malam Hari, Gagal Tidur, Gerbang Dunia SCP, GILA, Dilarang Masuk, TIDAK Harus, Menonton Livestream SCP, Nggak Usah Ditonton, TANTANGAN, Gak Ketakutan, Bosen, Livestream Biasa

Other Videos By Allen Yolbars | SNOWDROP ID

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2023-07-26Love Like This #vtuberid #shorts #zayn
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2023-07-24【COLLAB】Ngobrol Santai Bareng Pangeran @AriyaJunCh 【Allen Yolbars ❍ SNOWDROP ID】
2023-07-21🗡️ PERANG PARA DEWA! Mitologi Dunia: Kisah Dewa dan Makhluk Mitos! ✨【Allen Yolbars ❍ SNOWDROP ID】
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2023-07-17Sebutin inisial Mantan yg kayak gini #shorts
2023-07-15【RE4】Kapan Ini Astaga Tamat Ashley Error 404【Allen Yolbars ❍ SNOWDROP ID】
2023-07-14STOP! Jangan Nonton, Kalo Kamu Pernah Mengalami Gangguan!【Allen Yolbars ❍ SNOWDROP ID】
2023-07-13【Guerilla Stream】Mari Lanjut Belajar Nembak Orang, Semoga Diterima【Allen Yolbars ❍ SNOWDROP ID】
2023-07-12Next lagu apa yak, Manis?
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2023-07-10【COLLAB】Ngobrol Santai Bareng Mommy Kece @NazelliaRyoku 【Allen Yolbars ❍ SNOWDROP ID】
2023-07-09【RAWRVIEW #3】Saatnya Review Wallpaper Kamu💖【Allen Yolbars ❍ SNOWDROP ID】
2023-07-08【Fight Night Round 3】JAMBAK AKU MAS【Allen Yolbars ❍ SNOWDROP ID】
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Dilarang Masuk
Menonton Livestream SCP
Nggak Usah Ditonton
Gak Ketakutan
Livestream Biasa
Coba Aja Nonton
Tidak Tahu Apa-apa
Orang Pemberani
Layak Menonton
Ngaku Gak Takut
Livestream SCP
Jangan Ditonton Sendirian
Malam Hari
Gagal Tidur
Gerbang Dunia SCP