The Ascent Live Stream #1

The Ascent Live Stream #1

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Duration: 4:04:39

Picked up The Ascent from Game Pass PC. It looked like an interesting game with an interesting environment. I think it was developed by a staff of 12 people, too, which I think is awesome considering how detailed the world seems to be.

Additionally, this will be my first test drive in terms of streaming on the new PC. I think I've got the bare nuts and bolts of it set up right but any and all feedback is appreciated. Mic levels, game sound, camera location, feedback on stuff like that is what I'm looking for. If you are a streamer yourself, feedback on the widgets would be cool. I've got most of them turned off.

As with all my streams, conversation is welcome even if it's not about the game being played or even gaming in general. All topics are open for discussion. This is not exactly a made for kids channel. There is foul language and vulgar jokes but know that we will not be tolerating any hate speech whatsoever.

Anyway, please like and subscribe and thank you for checking this out with me.