"The Three Tremors" by The Three Tremors (WORST ALBUM OF 2019?) | ALBUM REVIEW

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWBxxocelj8

Duration: 19:30


Update, January 21st 2019: Due to threats of violence (no, not joking), comments for this video has been disabled. Some of you are simply incapable of understanding that not everybody on Earth gives a fuck about your crappy dad rock as it seems.

I will briefly address some of the most common complaints I've received from users such as metalcommand, Slavenko, and Benedikt Sauer, as well as the genius who sent the threats. If you have anything else to say, well, too bad.

1) Perhaps drinking before and during the review was not my brightest idea, and perhaps as a result I was a touch dramatic (I got no shame in admitting that honestly, so do with that whatever you wish), but I still stand by what I had to say. "The Three Tremors" is an absolutely incompetently produced and arranged record with nothing original to say or offer, helmed by 3 grown men all doing their 'best' Rob Halford impersonations.

2) Yes, Ghost is a band. They exist. They have posters. I own one. None of this has anything to do with The Three Tremors or my view on metal as a whole, and the idea that it somehow does really shows how pathetic and sensitive some of you are. Its 2019, they're not going away anytime soon, find a new target.

3) Cage, Jag Panzer, and Denner/Shermann are not bands that are well known here within Toronto. Its really that simple. None of these bands tour here, none of them have records stocked in record stores here, and Toronto and much of Canada has its own metal scene that I am far more invested in. Somehow not knowing them or not caring about them does not make anything I say less valid, especially since this isn't a review for any of those individual bands. Duh.

Original description: 3 heavy metal singers go on a confused and pretentious journey to prove how metal they think they are, in the process creating the worst album of 2019 so far.

"The Three Tremors" by The Three Tremors
Released January 18th 2019 via Steel Cartel Records
Produced by Dave 'Conan' Garcia

The Three Tremors
heavy metal
hard rock
speed metal
worst album of 2019
Judas Priest
Iced Earth
Jag Panzer
Metal Meltdown
Metal Meltdown Reviews
Steel Cartel Records