Twisted Metal: Harbor City Fan Made Soundtrack - Black Sorcerer

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Duration: 5:14

Name: "Black Sorcerer"
Age: ?

Bio: "I used to work for the Midtown Police Department until the big collapse happened... Me and Razer were actually good friends, but then I failed him.
Poor bastard was shot down by Calypso, and the bullet wounds were fatal. We arrived just a moment too late, and to make matters worse: Calypso managed to escape our custody shortly after we had captured him.
Damn it... We almost had him. And now: he's somewhere lurking around the streets of Harbor City, ready to hold yet another death show for his own sick pleasure.
Word is that another one of our teammates, a fellow soldier, is being held captive by Calypso; forced to re-live the night of his death over and over again with a bullet straight through the head.
This year, I'm entering the contest to save my friend... But I know Calypso may pull some tricks, which is exactly why I came prepared..."

Black Sorcerer is yet another original character I plan on including in the Summer project, "Twisted Metal: Harbor City Stories". He will be the new driver of Outlaw/SWAT, as Agent Stone is currently stuck in a time loop.

This OC is actually based on another idea I had in 2015, namely Agent Hawk, who much like this guy: is on a rescue mission to save a fellow officer in need. His visual design is also based on the unused/beta Project Militia from Manhunt 2.

After I'm done with Thumper's TMB story, there will be a brief pause in uploads for a bit so I can prepare myself for TMHCS. I'm almost done gathering the needed visual assets/voice samples, so we can expect the episodes to begin somewhere between June and July.

But until then: enjoy this soundtrack.

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