Ultima: The Fall of the House of Lord British

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SynBemRAePA

Duration: 9:58

The recording was taken from an old cassette from my mother's classroom she taught at my old school in 1984. I found it and copied it to a new cassette later and now am paring it with some visuals with my gameplay of Ultima IX and Arthur's Knights gameplay for effect. The narrator is Peter Thomas(I think...) and do not know where to find any info on the web about this tape, Fall of the House of Usher" The web and Imdb.com is devoid of any records he ever recorded these series consisting of 13 stories by famous classic novel authors. Being that Peter Thomas may have had political scruples about this(being he is very right wing religious) he probably requested it be removed from the web as far as information or credits tied to him IMDB has nothing of this in the Peter Thomas page.(I swing neither left nor right but can respect this- I suppose...)

will probably to attempt to remake this. and also add in the missing parts Two and Three that were omitted for reasons beyond logical understanding. And remake them too. no change in nature nor content what-so-ever may even use Ultima IX again as my stage for visual observation.. The only change I'll is : the camera angle is quite the schitt. but I did not have a GeForce card nor video capture in those days. I had a cannon cam corder and a dump computer. If I attempted to do it again it would be on grounds I was certain it would even show up on youtube as lately google'boob "hides" my comments and some videos because of the winey PC crowd and troll millennials who randomly troll worthless comments in leagues they have no right to visit nor opinions they have no right to tout.

But then again, both google and imdb have both indeed cultivated a keen sense of retardedism and too, a definition of shittiness of late.
and when I put this thing out in October or november(ish) of 2010 Youtube was not affiliated with "google" tard. Those were the good ole days of free expression and respect for youtubers that did NOT want a commercial racket. In this video in those days before google+tard soiled the lands, the visuals in this short film looked as I had edited them to look !!! The color parts being a darker version of what the game was(and I use the "fog" spell in the game to simulate the dark atmosphere-you have to play the game to about level 6 tier for that spell) the non color bits were Sepia tone. but as of the last few years "google"tard messed up the lighting so it is barely visible at all! thanks so much for that assholes! Now no one can even see the parts with Madaline usher!(Julia from Ultima IX) FYI to the one single "hater" once you could see it just fine! it was fine the way it was BEFORE google plopped thier cooperate asses and cockah smeared their doo doo residue on the rear of yon rim into Youtube's toilet seat! if I knew of the music I would gladly credit the artists! frankly I wish I did know I want to buy their CD!(or whatever format nowdays)!

Peter Thomas
radio drama
Peter Thomas Jr
Peter Falk
Ultima IX Ascension
Ultima 9
Richard Garriot
EA Games
Origin Systems Incorperated
Radio Drama
Fall of the House of Usher
Edgar Allen Poe
Robert Hayze
Vincent Pryce
Dimitra Arliss
Roger Corman
Myrna Fahey