Using the Chains feature in ToolsToo v10: Conversation with Gil Segal

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Duration: 13:52

Geetesh: Hi, Gil. How are you today?

Gil: Hi, Geetesh. I’m doing great. How are you?

Geetesh: I’m doing great. And I want to know more about your new Chains feature that you have in ToolsToo for PowerPoint. Can you tell us more?

Gil: Sure, absolutely love to. So, the Chains feature is a new feature in ToolsToo version 10. In fact, it’s the main feature in ToolsToo version 10. What it lets you do is record a series of steps, a series of ToolsToo tools that you want to use together. So you set it up once and then at the click of a button, you can run it again and again and again. And there’s an even neater feature where you can run the Chain on a series of selected slides. So you can use that for things like global search and replace across those selected slides, which is very powerful. And you can use that for things like changing fonts, changing the appearance of certain types of shapes that you might have on certain slides and just scanning through an entire deck and doing that all with one click. It’s very powerful.

Geetesh: So that’s really awesome. Gil, can you share your screen and show us a small demo of using the Chains feature?

Gil: Sure, absolutely. I’d love to, Geetesh. So here we are in PowerPoint on the ToolsToo Ribbon. The new Chains feature is a group within the Expert mode of the ToolsToo Ribbon. As you might know, ToolsToo has three different UI modes. So, in the Expert mode–here, I’ll go back to the Intermediate mode. You see it’s not there. I go to Expert mode. The Chains feature appears right here in the Ribbon. And so the way we use it is by interacting the Chains through this drop-down and these buttons here. And I’ll show that through some examples.

So, the first example, we’re going to build a simple Chain to do these three actions you see listed here, these three tools. So Chains allows you to put together sequences of ToolsToo tools. Here, we have the three tools we’re going to use. So, turn the Preserve Ratio off, Make Same Width, and Align Center and Middle.

So, we’ll create a new Chain by hitting the Plus sign. We will name it; let’s just call it Example One. You can, of course, name it, of course, whatever you want.

Gil Segal
PowerPoint Add-in
PowerPoint Techniques
Geetesh Bajaj
ToolsToo Chains