[Vertical Layout] Culdcept Revolt -- #0. Title Screen

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrDoZ9AJJ6A

Duration: 2:18

Because obviously I needed another long-running project that I'll just begin half-baking, before time runs away on me and I crumble under the commitment. (What?! I would never! ...erm... probably only a couple times, right?)

Let me know what YOUR favorite abandoned project is, so I can remember to try to make an attempt to almost realize my dream of kinda sorta making it happen! ...eventually!


This particular video is more or less a monument to my fascination with the fact that very rarely ever does anyone actually adjust for the gutter between the two screens correctly. Or even consistently.

I could understand if it was a random stab at getting it in a sort of quasi-nonstandard ballpark... or even just NOT accounting for the space between the screens at all, since I know this kind of thing isn't actually designed ON the final hardware...

But this game's got a super weird, arbitrarily small gap the likes of which I can't fathom how it was decided upon.

It gets extra weird, because the top and bottom screens, while synchronous in their action... don't even seem... totally aligned? I guess they "did" account for... the fact that the top screen will most commonly be tilted at a different angle from the bottom, but even that... that's not something you can like... design around? Much less try to encode a video sequence to have its geometry account for?

Honestly, I think this was a lot more work than it looks like, but the devil is always in the details.


On the other hand, the actual visual spectacle is... kina one-note? And not especially indicative of the game itself. It more or less hints at some vague later elements of the game, but it doesn't feel like much of a hook or even that knowing of a nod to those who know what they're driving at here.

But alleyway! It's kinda cool, I'll give 'em that. The trees are neat looking. The cityscape isn't something I'd complain about either.

... ... ...Iunno, I guess I like it anyway. I just like to complain about the details or something.

But it also doesn't really sell me anything about the game itself. Sorry, there won't be any high-speed street zooming to be had here! (Game ruined forever. My bad.)


Honestly, I like the 3DS home menu theme a lot better than anything else, and it's just a selective cut on the box and concept art... and even THAT is like... eye-rendingly... red!

Still neat. Still. Makes me question a lot of design decisions. But at least it sends me off to play any and all games I might ever want, wishing me safe travels on my next journey!

It's because of this theme that I came to reckon with the fact that the Home menu sounds can persist well into the Nintendo 3DS system logo splash... which means that I'm probably going to have to STOP using this theme if I want a clean startup to inaugurate any further projects... I had to edit the end of her farewells out of the Pocket Card Jockey footage manually!