【#歌回】Vol. 595: 例行歌回 2024.05.16 - 五月第三次例行歌回

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=295f2Cujkw8

Duration: 1:40:03



#TWvtuber #台灣vtuber #vtuber

00:00:00 Opening
00:07:10 開場
00:08:37 1. Escape From the City
00:11:28 2. Find Your Flame
00:16:03 3. I'm Here
00:20:26 4. Undefeatable
00:25:06 5. Reach for the Stars
00:29:33 6. Vandalize
00:35:04 7. His World
00:41:08 8. 焔
00:47:38 9. 石畳の緋き悪魔
00:53:28 10. 書の魔獣
00:58:12 11. 黒の予言書
01:06:34 12. 終端の王と異世界の騎士 ~ The Endia & The Knights ~ (第一次)
01:15:09 12. 終端の王と異世界の騎士 ~ The Endia & The Knights ~ (第二次)
01:22:08 13. 冥王 -Θανατος-
01:31:54 14. Escape From the City
01:34:20 結尾
01:35:05 Ending

角色造型設計繪師媽媽:猫島羽依 https://twitter.com/nekosimayui
BGM 製作:SIHanatsuka https://twitter.com/sihanatsuka
Logo 設計:緋千夜 https://twitter.com/Hisenya

🛡️第一年 & 1.0 & 1.5 時代相關素材製作🛡️
1.0 與 1.5 Live2D 模型爸爸:夜颯 https://twitter.com/Yasa_661266
1.5 VRoid 模型製作與無限版 3D 模型修正:がいらく@Gairaku https://twitter.com/Gairaku_tw
實況面板:布魯諾 https://twitter.com/AppleBrunoLiu
實況面板:Envato Elements https://elements.envato.com/cyberpunk-opener-RB4QDV9
開頭待機 Q 版動畫:泡芙 https://twitter.com/noodle890812
結尾圖:鱷魚 Zavir Wani https://twitter.com/WaniVtuber
綠界贊助音效:フリー効果音素材 くらげ工匠 http://www.kurage-kosho.info/
轉場音效:Freesound https://freesound.org/

🛡️第二年 & 2.0 時代相關素材製作🛡️
2.0 衣裝設計繪師:CC https://twitter.com/etcelebi
2.0 3D 模型製作:策策 https://twitter.com/COOKRICE6
實況面板:Envato Elements https://elements.envato.com/

🛡️第三年 & 3.0 時代相關素材製作🛡️
3.0 衣裝設計繪師:飛密 https://twitter.com/Hikoumitsu
3.0 3D 模型製作:策策 https://twitter.com/COOKRICE6
3.0 Live2D 模型師:宗茶 https://twitter.com/Mat_cha_M

無限版 3D 模型素材提供:神崎 https://twitter.com/KannzakiVtuber
無限版 3D 模型參考:Midjourney: https://www.midjourney.com/home/?callbackUrl=%2Fapp%2F


Portal: https://yutaii.run/me
Twitter: https://yutaii.run/twitter
Twitch: https://yutaii.run/twitch
Facebook: https://yutaii.run/facebook
Plurk: https://yutaii.run/plurk
Instagram: http://yutaii.run/instagram
Discord: https://yutaii.run/discord


1. Escape From the City: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bjULQizgfw
2. Find Your Flame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3BNo0zzT-4
3. I'm Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEAgRpaLehY
4. Undefeatable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj0PkpJTR3I
5. Reach for the Stars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyfpWCDx_lw
6. Vandalize: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_T94H0ofdI
7. His World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFivLPXZIhs
8. 焔: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl9qRL0utos
9. 石畳の緋き悪魔: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qASgFGmOK5U
10. 書の魔獣: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhZF4XLDZZI
11. 黒の予言書: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0LEheh7rmE
12. 終端の王と異世界の騎士 ~ The Endia & The Knights ~: (1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-IEtK2hmZA (2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QL0T_U8TjeQ
13. 冥王 -Θανατος-: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZUq5bH1hXc
14. Escape From the City: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bjULQizgfw

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