Wizards + Nazis = Cash? or so they thought... #moviereview

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3P0QsJq7wU

Duration: 6:47

Luke Skywalker was in this Movie!
Wizards Review Transcript

Oh boy where to start. I guess I'll show you some of my favorite moments to hook you into watching this video.

|montage of clips|

Now I know this is an overload of information, but it will make sense in due time.

|title card|

Now here is your disclaimer, Trigger warning for:
Child killing
Nazi propaganda
Nazi symbols
Antisemitic ideas and actions
And Genocide

We’ll start with the worst things shown or portrayed in this move
Number 1, A school shooting
So, robot guy here on the cover is ordered to kill the princess but decides to shoot up a school in the meantime. Now I cannot show this footage on YouTube. Robot assassin walks into the school, shoot the teacher, then it cuts to outside the school as we hear gun shots and see flashes of light.
Number 2, eating a hog
Now this doesn't sound to bad. But it needs a big Trigger Warning, this gets gruesome. A pig is hanging upside-down from a hook. Main Nazi guy named Blackwolf gives the pig to his lizard servant. The lizard eats the pig, as he finishes and leaves, the rump and legs turn, and we can see the Star of David on the hogs behind. This is symbolism is a way. But no matter how you see it, this scene is wrong and unnecessary.
Number 3, Genocide
For context, the elves have just lost a battle and are prisoners. Ill let the clip speak for itself…

|Clip plays|

Now they address the elephant in the room. What race represents the Jews? There are 3 groups being targeted by Blackwolf. The Elves, the fairies, and wizards (mainly his brother) Now the Elves are native American. How do they show this? Racism! The main elf character is named Weehawk. No joke.
The fairies don’t seem to represent the Jewish people either. It seams they didn’t want to have a race similar to the Jews. This is good and bad. Good because it separates it from real world events. Bad because it isn’t historically accurate. I’m a Christian white boy from Idaho. I have no say in whether this movie’s portraill is disrespectful or not.
Number 4, Nazis everywhere
This movie is filled with so much Nazi propaganda and symbols its hard to tell if the movie is for or against Nazi ideas! The Nazis are clearly the bad guys but actions such as pardoning Nazis soils the message. Not only that but the same Nazi lizard that ate the hog. There are two scenes that exemplify this. There is a rich man with gold and fine clothes. Someone to look up to or to aspire too with his riches and colorful clothes. He wears a top hat with a Swastika on it. Then we cut to an elf dancing with a ball and chain on, the ball has a Swastika on it by the way. Then a man with a Swastika arm band pulls a knife. The fairy starts to undress as we fade away. The implication of the Nazis in this movie Raping prisoners is shown more than once.

|Counter Points|

I want to discuss some counter points to my analysis so far. One of the reasons for the graphic content could be to show all the awful things the Nazis did. But one minute the good guys are joking or even poking fun at the Nazis and the next the Nazis are murdering or raping someone! Also, this movie is rated PG. The target audience was kids! Kids should know about the tragedies of the holocaust. But this IS the wrong way to present it.


The story in this movie is irreverent but I will recap the main plot for reviewing purposes.
Robot is sent to kill the Fairy Princess. Robot is turned good by the Good Wizard. Bad Wizard declares war on the world. An elf, the good wizard, the robot, and the fairy princess set out to kill the bad wizard. War is waged and the Nazis are winning. The good wizard faces trials and tribulations. Soon they recruit allies. The Princess kills the robot and joins the Nazis. As their allies attack the bad wizards keep the good guys group sneaks in to the keep. The elf goes after the princess. But it urns out she was being mind controls. As the good and bad wizard duel, the good wizard pulls a gun and shoot the bad wizard twice. The keep collapses, the bad guys start to die from radiation, I think? The the movie ends with the princess and good wizards getting together.

|Closing Thoughts|

It so happens that I watched Schindler’s List on the same day I watched this movie. The clear contrast is deafening. I rate this movie a 1 out of 10. Its animation was ok ,and that’s the only reason it isn't a 0 out of 10.

P.S: Luke sky-walker is in this movie!