☣️XT-01 ULTIMATELY Live In Your Desired Place Subliminal {+desired life}

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kX6nS6VvjIs

Duration: 2:22

LIVE IN / MOVE TO DESIRED PLACE SUBLIMINAL: Ideal, Perfect, Desired Country + City + Home + Surroundings + Life {XT-01 Formula)

This subliminal targets both of your subconscious & conscious minds and it works crazily fast!

⸙ Live in/ move to desired, ideal, perfect country
⸙ Live in/ move to desired, ideal, perfect city
⸙ Live in/ move to desired, ideal, perfect place
⸙ Desired + perfect city view
⸙ Safe and secure country/city/place
⸙ Live with desired people
⸙ Desired neighborhood
⸙ Perfect city architecture
⸙ Perfect home/bedroom interior design
⸙ Your desired place has all furnitures that you want
⸙ Perfect, ideal, desired life
⸙ Desired school life
⸙ Desired job
⸙ Desired career
⸙ Desired lifestyle
⸙ Attract all money needed to live happily in your desired place
⸙ Desired love life
⸙ Manifest everything that you want
⸙ All local foods suit your taste
⸙ Easily adapt to a new culture
⸙ Ideal + desired country education system
⸙ Ideal + desired political system
⸙ Ideal + desired legal system
⸙ Ideal + desired economic system
⸙ Ideal + desired cultural system
⸙ Ideal + desired social system,
⸙ Perfect government
⸙ Clean country/city/place
⸙ Clean environment
⸙ Clean + fresh air
⸙ Perfect sanitation
⸙ Wealthy country/city
⸙ Desired country/city with the best + most beautiful tourist attractions
⸙ Desired celebrations and festivals
⸙ Become financially stable
⸙ Desired and perfect house with the best interior design
⸙ Family fully supports your decision
⸙ Live with desired people (boyfriend/friend/family/live alone)
⸙ Have all documents needed to live in/move to your desired country
⸙ Mastering languanges spoken in desired country
⸙ Speak fluently and effortlessly with locals
⸙ Being treated equally by others
⸙ Being treated with respect and dignity by others
⸙ Being loved by surroundings


EXPERIMENTAL XT-01 formula – divided into few sections:
⸾ Release any blockages & limiting beliefs
⸾ Manifesting in your subconscious mind
⸾ Strengthen your conscious minds
⸾ Align your subconsious & conscious mind
⸾ Flowing results from your subconscious into your conscious mind
⸾ 100% visible 3D results (manifesting in conscious mind & reality)
⸾ Your consciousness fully aware of the result
⸾ Gratefulness & happiness

-Unisex, general (could be used by everyone)

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