Bob Lennon

Bob Lennon


Bob Lennon is a YouTube content creator with over 2.02 million subscribers, with his content totaling around 1.01 billion views views across around 4.69 thousand videos.

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About Bob Lennon

Attention : Chaîne de jeux ne convenant pas à des enfants. Beaucoup de nos jeux sont 18+ et nous nous exprimons sans retenue.

Autrefois, Fanta et Bob vivaient dans l'univers épique du jeu vidéo. Deux amis aux personnalités opposées qui pourtant s'adorent.
Désormais, seul Bob fait du contenu sur cette chaine. Mais l'esprit du Fanta demeure, et ne nous souhaitons que vous transmettre deux choses : notre passion pour les bons jeux et notre bonne humeur légendaire.
Vous êtes formidables !

Important : Je lis vos commentaires, c'est la dissidence. Soyez sympas envers les-un-les-autres !!

ENGLISH : You want us to show your game on our channel ? Contact us, we speak english too. Please ignore fake key query from fakes. We are not begging for keys but you can send us your game keys or sponsored coverage offers using the only legit mail down there.

Most Viewed Games

Latest Videos

2024-07-23 2:00:39 PM ● 26,310 views ● 1:06:26
Fabledom (2023)
2024-07-19 3:00:59 PM ● 73,995 views ● 38:26
2024-07-18 2:00:15 PM ● 55,242 views ● 1:07:10
2024-07-15 2:00:08 PM ● 141,697 views ● 38:46
2024-07-12 2:00:44 PM ● 47,996 views ● 20:31

Variety of Games on Channel

There are 546 games covered by Bob Lennon, consisting of 4249 videos, or 90.69% of the total videos on this channel.

100 Videos on YouTube Milestone for Bob Lennon

On December 28, 2011, Bob Lennon reaches 100 videos on YouTube with the release of the The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim video "L'intégrale Skyrim - Ep 70 - Playthrough FR HD par Bob Lennon", which has 417,358 views and 5,838 likes.

1000 Videos on YouTube Milestone for Bob Lennon

On January 7, 2014, Bob Lennon reaches 1000 videos on YouTube with the release of the Hearthstone video "Quart de finale : Heroes of Youtube - Bob Vs Bill Silverlight", which has 170,363 views and 6,808 likes.