Shady Shae

Shady Shae

United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Shady Shae is a British content creator on YouTube with at least 973 thousand subscribers, publishing 818 videos which altogether total around 12.38 million views.

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About Shady Shae

Welcome to the vibrant world of Shady Shae!

Exposing London! Unbiased videos!

I am Shady Shae, a dynamic Nigerian-British YouTuber, capturing the pulse of London culture, the essence of daily life in the UK, and the latest current events. Dive into my channel for a rich tapestry of stories, opinions, and insights that resonate with locals and foreigners alike. Join me as we explore the bustling streets of London, uncover hidden gems, and discuss topics that matter to all of us. Your adventure through the United Kingdom starts here!

I am The light of the world John 8:12

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2024-07-25 6:58:39 PM ● 618 views ● 6:47
2024-07-17 8:42:47 PM ● 32,745 views ● 11:51
2024-07-14 10:12:15 PM ● 6,737 views ● 20:45
2024-07-14 12:35:45 PM ● 6,458 views ● 13:11
2024-07-14 10:14:44 AM ● 2,349 views ● 16:40
2024-07-11 8:05:55 PM ● 2,933 views ● 8:50

100 Videos on YouTube Milestone for Shady Shae

On June 19, 2021, Shady Shae reaches 100 videos on YouTube with the release of the video "BRITAIN'S NEPALESE GURKHA - The Life Changing Journey Of Being Selected As A Gurkha REACTION", which has 10,390 views and 712 likes.