101. | Ep.5 Road to Diamond - El carro de Elise Jungla + Morgana Support | 72 | | League of Legends
102. | Ep.1 - Road to Diamond - SOLO SUPPORTS (Directo) | 72 | | League of Legends
103. | [Live] Bardina jugando en Silver (Tryndamere) | 72 | | League of Legends
104. | Bardina responde - Episodio 1 | 73 | | League of Legends
105. | Acompañando a Akinosvk y Shamii - Jinx | 73 | | League of Legends
106. | Ep.8 Road to Diamond - Thresh y Skarner no hay quien los gane! | 73 | | League of Legends
107. | Ep.3 Road to Diamond - Supporteando a una Caitlyn asustada ^^ | 73 | | League of Legends
108. | Ep.15 - Road to Diamond - SOLO SUPPORTS | 73 | | League of Legends
109. | URF Mode - Sona esta rotisima! Jugando con SUBS ^^ | 74 | | League of Legends
110. | Heroes of the Storm - ¡La partida mas rapida! | 74 | | Heroes of the Storm
111. | Ep.2 Los Retorcidos - (Vista Bardinalol) | 75 | | League of Legends
112. | Episodio 4 The Doctors - Autopista Vision - Dr Bardina | 76 | | League of Legends
113. | Episodio 3 The Doctors - ¡El surrender precoz! - Dr Bardina | 77 | |
114. | Tryndamere - El Rey del Farmeo, con @Potimax1 | 78 | | League of Legends
115. | GNAR Spotlight - Conociendo al nuevo personaje (PBE) | 79 | | League of Legends
116. | URF Mode - ARAM con Jayce, el personaje mas roto ^^ | 79 | | League of Legends
117. | Ep.9 Road to Diamond - Thresh y Ziggs oliendo el Diamante! | 79 | | League of Legends
118. | Ep.3 Ranked Team Counterpick: Morgana (POV Bardinalol) | 80 | | League of Legends
119. | Maokai - One for All (La guerra de los Pimpollos) | 81 | | League of Legends
120. | [DIRECTO Dominguero] Jugando con suscriptores ^^ | 81 | | League of Legends
121. | [Vista Dr.Yumasik] Episodio 1 The Doctors - Hospital Party | 81 | | League of Legends
122. | Guia Manager Episodio 2: Consejos | 82 | | League of Legends
123. | Ep.9 Breaking Bot - Zilean, el tullido volador y el Pinchito moruno. | 82 | | League of Legends
124. | Ep.4 Road to Diamond - Thresh y Renekton el combo perfecto | 84 | | League of Legends
125. | Ep.9 Los Retorcidos - (Vista Bardinalol) | 85 | | League of Legends
126. | LIVE - Aatrox (La espada de los dioses) | 86 | | League of Legends
127. | [Live] Lulu Mid - La reina de los comeback!! con @amilicua | 89 | | League of Legends
128. | Entrevista de Zona Gamer a Bardinalol | 89 | | League of Legends
129. | Especial 2000 sardinas en directo con Akinosvk / Hexania / Drakkon / Londo | 89 | | League of Legends
130. | [DIRECTO] Sorteo del Gorro de Teemo y Partidas con suscriptores. | 90 | | League of Legends
131. | Ep.2 Live - Lulu Mid (Season 4) | 90 | | League of Legends
132. | Ep.16 Breaking Bot - Sion, ¡Explosión en Bot Lane! | 91 | | League of Legends
133. | Episodio 2 The Doctors - ¡A curar Tullidos! - Dr Bardina | 91 | | League of Legends
134. | Ep.11 Breaking Bot - Lux, La dama luminosa | 93 | | League of Legends
135. | Ep.9 Road to Challenger - Buenas Teamfights ^^ | 94 | | League of Legends
136. | Guia Tera - Capitulo 8 "FAQ" | 95 | | TERA
137. | Ep.7 Breaking Bot - Maokai, No soy árbol ¡SOY UN ENT! | 95 | | League of Legends
138. | Fizz - One for All (Sardinas contra Sardinas) | 96 | | League of Legends
139. | [DIRECTO] - Respondiendo preguntas de ASK 20:00h | 97 | | League of Legends
140. | [Directo] Especial 4000 sardinas!!! 22:00 GMT +1 | 97 | | League of Legends
141. | Ep.6 Live - Pantheon Jungla (Season 4) | 97 | | League of Legends
142. | Ep.2 Road to Diamond - Supporteando a Londo | 97 | | League of Legends
143. | Ep.12 Breaking Bot - Veigar, KABOOOOOM!!! | 98 | | League of Legends
144. | Road to Challenger - Directo | 99 | | League of Legends
145. | [DIRECTO Dominguero] Sorteo del Gorro de Teemo y Partidas con Subs | 99 | | League of Legends
146. | [Tera Online] - "Primera montura" y "Outlaw Declaration (PVP item)" ACTUALIZADO | 99 | | TERA
147. | Ep.4 Ranked Team Counterpick: Soraka (POV Bardinalol) | 100 | | League of Legends
148. | [DIRECTO] - Ultra Rapid Fire con Sardinas! | 101 | | League of Legends
149. | [DIRECTO Dominguero] | 101 | | League of Legends
150. | Ep.7 Road to Challenger - Una buena partida pese a todo | 101 | | League of Legends
151. | Ep.8 Breaking Bot - Pantheon, el saltador olímpico. | 101 | | League of Legends
152. | Brand - One for All | 102 | | League of Legends
153. | Jugada del Directo - xBardina con Sion! | 102 | | League of Legends
154. | Ep.1 Ranked Team Counterpick: Piloto (POV Bardinalol) | 103 | | League of Legends
155. | Ep.16 - Road to Diamond - SOLO SUPPORTS | 103 | | League of Legends
156. | Ep.20 Road to Challenger - Una vayne loooca que se queda AFK... | 107 | | League of Legends
157. | Directo con Black(OpticESP) / AkinosVK / Sharkness(VSNashor) / Hexania | 107 | | League of Legends
158. | Ep.10 Road to Diamond - Por fin DIAMANTE! | 107 | | League of Legends
159. | HeadShot!!! | 107 | | League of Legends
160. | Partida TROLLL - Setup con el peor win rate del juego! | 108 | | League of Legends
161. | Bronceados | G0kuB y Bardina | Ep 4 | 108 | | League of Legends
162. | Ep.2 Ranked Team Counterpick: Thresh (POV Bardinalol) | 108 | | League of Legends
163. | [DIRECTO] Modo Espejo | ¡Partidas con suscriptores! | 109 | | League of Legends
164. | Ep.3 Live - Caitlyn ADCarry (Season 4) | 109 | | League of Legends
165. | Ep.5 Live - Nami Support (Season 4) | 110 | | League of Legends
166. | [DIRECTO Dominguero] | 110 | | League of Legends
167. | Ep.1 Live - Evelynn Jungla (Season 4) | 111 | | League of Legends
168. | The Doctors Trailer - ¡Nueva serie! Bardina | Yumasik | 112 | Preview | League of Legends
169. | Ep.1 Los Chinofarmers Rankeds 5vs5 - ¿Partida de Ajedrez? | 113 | | League of Legends
170. | [Sorteo] Gorro de Teemo 22:00 GMT+1 | 114 | | League of Legends
171. | [Tera Online] - Como encantar un item a +6 | 114 | | TERA
172. | Trailer de la serie Breaking Bot - Episodio 1 al 4 | 114 | Preview | League of Legends
173. | Ep.15 Breaking Bot - Gnar, ¡Gnarosaurio en acción! | 115 | | League of Legends
174. | Ep.7 Breaking Bot - Vi, la que JAMÁS muere. | 115 | | League of Legends
175. | Ep.5 Breaking Bot - Nautilus de Marte ¡viene a matarte! | 115 | | League of Legends
176. | Ep.14 Road to Challenger - Premade Bot con Dual | 117 | | League of Legends
177. | [DIRECTO] Rankeds + Partidas con Subs | 117 | | League of Legends
178. | Ep.4 Breaking Bot - Xerath , Legen - Dario =) | 118 | | League of Legends
179. | Ep.8 Road to Challenger - La pasiva de Zyra =( | 118 | | League of Legends
180. | SuperLafu - Gancho Infinito | 119 | | League of Legends
181. | Ep.4 Road to Challenger - Minions Carry! | 119 | | League of Legends
182. | Ep.1 Los Retorcidos - (Vista Bardinalol) | 119 | | League of Legends
183. | [DIRECTO] URF Mode - Nos despedimos de URFs / ¡Jugando con subs! | 121 | | League of Legends
184. | [DIRECTO] Sorteo Gorro de Teemo + Partidas con subs + Rankeds | 122 | | League of Legends
185. | [DIRECTO] DuoQ con CabraVoladora (Duo Diamante) | 122 | | League of Legends
186. | Ep.5 Road to Challenger - La partida perfecta ^^ | 122 | | League of Legends
187. | Ep.17 Road to Challenger - Amanecer Radiante | 122 | | League of Legends
188. | Ep.4 Live - Trundle Top (Season 4) | 123 | | League of Legends
189. | Guia Manager Episodio 1: Conociendo a Bardina | 123 | | League of Legends
190. | [DIRECTO Dominguero] ¡Cerca de los 10.000 suscriptores! Partidas con suscriptores | 124 | | League of Legends
191. | [DIRECTO DOMINGUERO] ¡Ya somos 13.000 suscriptores! | 125 | | League of Legends
192. | URF Mode - Thresh AP! | 126 | | League of Legends
193. | Ep.13 Breaking Bot - Twisted Fate, Full del Istanbul! | 126 | | League of Legends
194. | Actualización de la Grieta del Invocador - Resumen | 126 | | League of Legends
195. | Ep.3 Los Tres Tullidos - ¡Practicando sin jungler! | 126 | | League of Legends
196. | Dawngate - Conceptos Basicos en español y donde conseguir BetaKeys | 126 | |
197. | [DIRECTO] Rankeds con CabraVoladora | Dualkey | Wasaki | Tryeu | 129 | | League of Legends
198. | [DIRECTO Dominguero] | 130 | | League of Legends
199. | ¿Cómo defender un nashor con el support? | 131 | | League of Legends
200. | Ep.1 Road to Diamond - Comenzamos la Season 4 | 131 | | League of Legends