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Top 100 Videos For Knack From Switzerland With The Most Comments

This list represents YouTube gaming videos by content creators from Switzerland for Knack organized by the most comments on their videos; in other words, videos with the most community interaction. This includes video game reviews, "Let's Plays", and other video game content. Numbers are retrieved via the YouTube API and updated daily.

ChannelVideo TitleCommentsCategory
1.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #01 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Ein wundersames Wesen456Let's Play
2.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #29 ENDE Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Der mega Boss172Let's Play
3.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #07 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Mega Knack Vs Mega Kobold147Let's Play
4.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #02 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Gefährliche Wälder114Let's Play
5.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #12 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Kaminholz Knack106Let's Play
6.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #05 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Der eiskalte Knack99Let's Play
7.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #19 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Heavy Metal Knack92Let's Play
8.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #11 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Eine andere Welt92Let's Play
9.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #04 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Die Festung der Kobolde78Let's Play
10.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #06 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Viktors wahres Gesicht77Let's Play
11.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #26 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Doktor rette mich71Let's Play
12.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #16 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Koboldland67Let's Play
13.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #27 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Viktor der Narr65Let's Play
14.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #14 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Knack und die Großstadt59Let's Play
15.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #03 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Knacks Ursprung58Let's Play
16.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #09 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Unsichtbarer Knack57Let's Play
17.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #08 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Viktors Palast55Let's Play
18.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #15 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Gundahars Roboter51Let's Play
19.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #13 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Wunden der Vergangenheit51Let's Play
20.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #10 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Die Trogdo Mine46Let's Play
21.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #25 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Kampf gegen Katrina41Let's Play
22.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #28 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Kampf der Titanen41Let's Play
23.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #23 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Obeliskenberg35Let's Play
24.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #22 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Die geheimnisvolle Tür35Let's Play
25.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #21 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Ryder der große Held33Let's Play
26.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #17 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Die Minenstadt31Let's Play
27.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #18 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Der Golem des Todes30Let's Play
28.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #20 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Gundahars Turm29Let's Play
29.Switzerland Nexxoss Gaming LPKNACK | Das ist KNACK | Kapitel #001 | ★ LIVE ★ | [Deutsch/HD]17
30.Switzerland Nexxoss Gaming LPKNACK | Die riesige Kugel FINALE | Kapitel #013 | ★ LIVE ★ | [Deutsch/HD]17
31.Switzerland Nexxoss Gaming LPKNACK | Das wahre Abenteuer beginnt | Kapitel #002 | ★ LIVE ★ | [Deutsch/HD]16
32.Switzerland KeysJoreLet's Play Knack #24 Deutsch PS4 Gameplay - Vergiftete Relikte16Let's Play
33.Switzerland Nexxoss Gaming LPKNACK | Das ist Tarn-Knack | Kapitel #004 | ★ LIVE ★ | [Deutsch/HD]12
34.Switzerland Nexxoss Gaming LPKNACK | So COOL ist Knack! | Kapitel #003 | ★ LIVE ★ | [Deutsch/HD]9
35.Switzerland Nexxoss Gaming LPKNACK | Gundahars Roboter | Kapitel #007 | ★ LIVE ★ | [Deutsch/HD]8
36.Switzerland Nexxoss Gaming LPKNACK | Eine holzige Angelegenheit | Kapitel #006 | ★ LIVE ★ | [Deutsch/HD]6
37.Switzerland LetalLetal@F3 | Presentazione PS5 feat. Zeroaisu e Gerac5Discussion
38.Switzerland Nexxoss Gaming LPKNACK | Eine unliebsame Überraschung | Kapitel #009 | ★ LIVE ★ | [Deutsch/HD]5
39.Switzerland Nexxoss Gaming LPKNACK | Das Luftschiff | Kapitel #012 | ★ LIVE ★ | [Deutsch/HD]5
40.Switzerland Nexxoss Gaming LPKNACK | Überall Relikte | Kapitel #010 | ★ LIVE ★ | [Deutsch/HD]5
41.Switzerland Nexxoss Gaming LPKNACK | Schlafende Riesen | Kapitel #005 | ★ LIVE ★ | [Deutsch/HD]4
42.Switzerland GermiBoiEs geht um Knack4
43.Switzerland Nexxoss Gaming LPKNACK | Die Kobold-Höhlen | Kapitel #008 | ★ LIVE ★ | [Deutsch/HD]4Let's Play
44.Switzerland Chef LoukerioLet’s Play FR Knack #01: Expérience Scientifique !2
45.Switzerland Chef LoukerioLet's Play FR Knack Episode 5: L'évasion !1
46.Switzerland Marcel WüthrichKnack Ps4 Version mit Ps5 Upgrade Hochland Klippe Video 2 in Full HD /60 fps1
47.Switzerland Chef LoukerioLet's Play FR Knack Épisode 1: L'attaque des Gobelins1