#05 | Mega-City Projekt | Cities Skylines 2
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Zu meiner Person:
Ich heiße Max, bin Historiker und Content Creator. Ich bin auf Twitch und Youtube aktiv. Schau auch gerne bei meinen anderen Social-Media Kanälen vorbei!
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🎵 Music: by @ScottBuckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au
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Cities: Skylines II Statistics For StrategieEcke
StrategieEcke presently has 89,964 views for Cities: Skylines II across 40 videos, with the game making up 23 hours of published video on his channel. This makes up 9.05% of Cities: Skylines II content that StrategieEcke has uploaded to YouTube.