14 Oct 2021. Meditation: What Is It? (Part 1: Meditation V. Prayer & Meditation)

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5shBNJcTb0

Duration: 3:33:35

14 Oct 2021. Meditation v. Prayer & Meditation. Part 1: Meditation
Aronmix - "Just Us." 10/09/2020; Time codes:
21:21- 25:50
00. Preface. Pre-cursor to the spoken rendition, as content on the SRH YT channel. The previous video was the Abstract, which gives a basic synopsis of this series.
This work is part of the Lifeboat Series, which is directed towards addicts and alcoholics in recovery.
Specifically, this topic is Meditation. We address this through the scientific/technical facet of electromagnetics; with the human entity as a component of the electromagnetic circuit of Gaia (the living, intelligent planet) & Earth Ground. Additional with some ideas how meditation can improve this connection.
0. Introduction
First video has been the Abstract, which introduced this topic.
[Text for video introduction: 10-14 Oct. 2021. Part of the Life Boat Series. Work in progress. Discussing the difference between meditation itself, and Prayer-&-Meditation as a cohesive practice for the addict in recovery. ]
In this video I will be expounding at length on Meditation as a practice, relative to addicts and alcoholics in recovery.
We can find all sorts of books and literature of meditation as a practice relating to Buddhist and other religious, and wisdom traditions. Yet, there are no books which are dedicated to the practice of meditation as a person in recovery. I would like to write a book on this very topic, as a reference guide for people who are struggling with this very issue.
"The Program" is a pathway of recovery and healing using spiritual principles. Specifically, I refer to the 12 steps of the Anonymous programs as the basis for a dedicated program for recovery.
If a person is not too far gone, then most likely the standard accepted practices of organized religions will be solution enough. However, many of us have gone "that far." We have come from traditions using a heavy, or abusive hand in controlling the "flock", in some cases. We see through the hollow, strawman of a religious god. We have rebounded from the abusive Creator model, through the use of chemicals, distilled spirits, pharmaceuticals, destructive behaviour as a whole.
A large part of the program at work involves a refashioning of the concept of/behind a Higher Power, which a living, loving Power greater than myself. For lack of a better one, we substitute the love of one addict for another. (This includes inside, and OUTSIDE of recovery.)
Without a remake of the concept of a higher power, we are lost, and not getting far in our recovery. Our growth is stalled, because the life and love of the program is not able to circulate; like our own lifeblood, and breathing.

1. Meditation--what is it?
At its simplest point, meditation is simply mindfullness, or focus and attention, to the present moment. It is not sitting doing nothing. We are never doing nothing. Even simple sitting requires a certain form.
In recovery we are directed through prayer and meditation to maintain constant contact with our Higher Power. Meditation is simply listening with singleness of intention. Prayer is simply a request, or a petition before our higher power. We are going to evaluate both of these states. First, we look at meditation as a practice, related to addicts and alcoholics.
Who's steering this thing?
In recovery, we are NOT told to find the creator of the Universe; simply a working power greater than one's self. This leaves a wide range of possible powers, or forces, we might call upon to aid us.
We look to a power that is greater than our self. We are called to question what our "self" is. If "I" am in 'control', then who, or what, is in actual control over my actions?
Those of us who have lived through our deaths, perhaps on the installment plan, one drink, or one hit at a time, understand death in an intimate way that the "normal people" never will. Through touching death, we find where the edge of life is.
We come to understand a power greater than ourselves in a way that the non-addict/alcoholic does not. Death is a power greater than ourselves, we realize, upon waking up from what would have killed us. The others have the luxury to debate this philosophically. We don't have this option. In recovery I need to find a practical solution to replace the feeling and sensation which leads to drinking.
Full text for Part 1:
Patreon: ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/57255877 )

Schumann-resonances: ( https://schumannresonances.wixsite.com/website/post/10-oct-2021-meditation-v-prayer-meditation-early-release )

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2021-10-3124 Oct 2021. Freidemann Freund Part 1A. Introducing the career of an amazing researcher.
2021-10-3030 Oct 2021. Observations on Tomsk, VLF @ Cumiana, Space Weather News; CME event immanent.
2021-10-2522-25 Oct 2021. Observations On Tomsk SOS; Reading and Decrypting The Spectrogram
2021-10-2118 Oct 2021. Part 2: Prayer & Meditation; Defining A Higher Power.
2021-10-1814 Oct 2021. Meditation: What Is It? (Part 1: Meditation V. Prayer & Meditation)
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2021-09-2019 Sept 2021. Observations on Tomsk;:Vocabulary Building ; Ego vs. Self. Request for Patreons.
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