1994 [60fps] X-MEN Children of the Atom 9999999pts Iceman

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leNoyV5BWJ0

Duration: 22:08

エックスメン -チルドレンオブジアトム- / X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941208 rent version) Capcom 1994 9,999,999pts (Ice Man) Player MORENO@TeamBrazil 収録Ver Wolfmame0.95 Channel Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOtURX6SsicgFFGhSpZrk2g

mame replay site http://replayburners.web.fc2.com/

エックスメン -チルドレンオブジアトム-

システムボード:カプコン プレイシステム2(CPS2)
CPU構成[68000, Z80] 音源チップ[QSound]



X-Men - Children of the Atom (c) 1994 Capcom Co., Ltd.

Back when Magneto and Juggernaut were boss characters, ten X-Men characters fought to challenge them!


Capcom Play System II hardware (CP-S II)
Game ID : CP-S II No. 08

Main CPU : 68000 (@ 11.8 Mhz), Z80 (@ 8 Mhz)
Sound Chips : Q-Sound (@ 4 Mhz)

Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 6
= [1] LP (Jab), [2] MP (Short), [3] HP (Fierce)
= [4] LK (Strong), [5] MK (Forward), [6] HK (Roundhouse)


X-Men COTA was released in December 1994. It is the first fighting game produced by Capcom using characters under license from Marvel Comics, widely praised for its faithfulness in capturing the spirit of its namesake comics, by using colorful animation and voice actors (see Staff section for more information) from the 'X-Men' animated series.

All characters are coming from Marvel comic books (except Akuma) :
Akuma (Gouki in Japan) - "Super Street Fighter II Turbo" ("Super Street Fighter II X" in Japan)
Colossus (aka Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin) - Giant-Size X-Men #1
Cyclops (aka Scott Summers) - X-Men #1
Juggernaut (aka Cain Marko) - X-Men #12
Iceman (aka Robert 'Bobby' Drake) - Uncanny X-Men #1
Magneto (aka Erik 'Magnus' Lehnsherr) - X-Men #1
Omega Red (aka Arkady Rossovich) - X-Men #4
Psylocke (aka Elizabeth 'Betsy' Braddock) - New Mutants Annual #2
Sentinel - Uncanny X-Men #14
Silver Samurai (aka Kenichiro Harada) - Daredevil #111
Spiral (aka Rita Ricochet) - Longshot #1
Storm (aka Ororo Munroe) - Giant Size X-Men #1
Wolverine (aka James 'Logan' Howlett) - Incredible Hulk #180

Sony Records released a limited-edition soundtrack album (X-Men Arcade Game Track - SRCL-3120) on 24/03/1995.


* Play as Akuma (Player 1) : Highlight Spiral and wait 3 seconds, then move without stopping through : Silver Samurai, Psylocke, Colossus, Iceman, Colossus, Cyclops, Wolverine, Omega Red and stop on Silver Samurai. Wait 3 seconds there and press and hold : LK+HP+HK.

* Play as Akuma (Player 2) : Highlight Storm and wait 3 seconds, then move without stopping through : Cyclops, Colossus, Iceman, the Sentinel, Omega Red, Wolverine, Psylocke, Silver Samurai and stop on Spiral. Wait 3 seconds there, then press and hold : LK+HP+HK.

* Play as Juggernaut (Player 1 and 2) : Input Akuma code, then after the battle press Up/Left TWICE and you should see Juggernaut's face.

* Play against Akuma : You must use 'manual block' and win every match without continuing. Defeat your opponents two rounds in a row (don't lose a round), having 'first attack' on each round. You must also win the final round of each battle with your Hyper-X.

* Continue Attacking : Press Start immediately after winning the match to continue hitting the defeated character.


Game Planners : Akira Nishitani (Nin), Noritaka Funamizu (Poo), Hiratou K-Suke (X68K), Kiyo, Fuji, Tomita Otouto
Programmers : Aoi-Tokimeki, Tarabar Hori (Tarabar - Black), K. Nishi-Man, Sailor-Ponkichi, O.G.T. -Iron Liver, Mo Suzuki-Memorial, Min-T3, Hard. Yas (-466P+K-), Kaw. Hiroshima
Object Designers : Satoru Yamashita, Ino, Kuriotoko, Yue, Minobe Hiroaki (Minobe), M. Nakatani, Ari, Eripyon. N, Miwazo, M. Sato, Kamonchashi Sato, Kazuko Kawanaka Pyo!, Dway Nishimura, Igami, Youjiro, Sagat, Ta, Jun Matsumura (26), Hitoshi Nishio (Vip. T2), G. Kamina, Ushi, H. Yoshino, Eiji, Naoki Fukuda, H.S, Manish, Shinya Kitamura
Scroll Designers : Fukumoyan, Yamapuu, May, Devil Ohnishi, Kazu, Akiko. O, Hiroko. N, Iwai, Kisabon, RK
Music Composers : Takayuki Iwai (Anarchy Takapon), Syun Nishigaki, Hideki Okugawa (Hideki Ok), Isao Abe (Oyaji)
Sound Designers : Hiroaki Kondo (X68K), Toshio Kajino

* Voice Actors :
Psylocke, Storm, Spiral : Catherine Disher
Cyclops : Norman Spencer
Wolverine : Cathal J. Dodd
Beast : George Buza
Colossus, Iceman, Sentinel : Dan Hennessey
Silver Samurai : Yasushi Ikeda (Ike-Bomb)
Omega Red : Len Doncheff
Juggernaut : Rick Bennett
Magneto : Lorne Kennedy

Special Thanks : Alex Jimenez, Eric Luther, Phillip Reed, Mark Ericsson, Dana Morshed, Mike Thomas, John Conroy, Paul T. Takaki, Kumino Asakura, Takuya Shiraiwa (Mr. Shiraiwa)


Game's rom.
Machine's picture.

エックスメン チルドレンオブジアトム
X-Men Children of the Atom