1999 [60fps] Gaia Crusaders Seiyen ALL

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgH6tAITdKs

Duration: 51:09


ガイア クルセイダーズ / Gaia Crusaders Noise Factory 1999 セイエン使用 ワンコインクリア Player ノアの方舟 収録Ver DDEmeMAME0.37b16.99.8 前半はコーエンを使用してます。ラスト、操作ミスで大ピンチに陥ってますが、なんとかワンコイン達成してます(^w^;

mame replay site https://replayburners.web.fc2.com/


開発元:ノイズファクトリー 発売元:ノイズファクトリー(※国内販売なし)
CPU構成[68000] 音源チップ[YMZ280B]

家庭用ゲーム機を中心に他のメーカーのソフト開発を請負っていたノイズファクトリー初のオリジナル作品となるアクションゲーム。8方向レバーで操作し、パンチ、キック、ジャンプ、属性アイテムの使用と4つのボタンを使用する。内容はオーソドックスなベルトアクションタイプのゲームで、敵からの攻撃を防御したり、ライフを消費することで緊急回避できたりと、対戦格闘ゲームを意識したような作りとなっており、敵を浮かせて技を繋ぎ、数十ヒットといったようなコンボ技を決めることもできる。アジア圏を中心に稼動していた作品で日本では公式に販売されていないが、「AOU1999 アミューズメントエキスポ」では漫充堂というメーカーから出展され、日本国内でもロケテストが行われおり極少数ながら出回っている。ちなみにこのゲームの製作会社・ノイズファクトリーは、元アトラスの「豪血寺一族」のスタッフらが起こした会社である。

Gaia Crusaders (c) 1999 Noise Factory.

A 1 or 2-player scrolling beat-em-up, with players selecting a character from a choice of 5; in which 2 'Elemental Warriors' must battle Satan and his army of demons that have captured and taken over the world. Each player-character possesses either Wind strength, Fire strength, or a mix of the 2.

Gaia Crusaders is heavily influenced by another scrolling beat-em-up, Capcom's 1989 classic, "Final Fight", and also, to a lesser degree, by Sega's legendary "Golden Axe", also from 1989. The latter is particularly evident in the use of the Magical Attack, which acts as a smart bomb and is also identical to the magic attacks featured in 'Golden Axe'.

Gaia Crusader's superb combo-geared control layout allows players to produce some highly impressive moves and attacks.


Cave 1st Generation Hardware

Main CPU : MC68000 (@ 16 Mhz)
Sound CPU : Z80 [Optional]
Sound Chips : YMZ280B (@ 16.9344 Mhz) or OKIM6295 x (1 or 2) + YM2203 / YM2151 [Optional]
Other : 93C46 EEPROM

Control per player: 8-way joystick
Buttons per player: 4 [PUNCH, KICK, JUMP, MAGIC BOMB]


Released in July 1999.

This is the first Noise Factory game. This game might be a code rip-off of the game "Pretty Soldier - Sailor Moon".

Gaia Crusaders was never released in Japan even if it was supposed to be distributed by Manjyudo in Japan...

The fifth boss is a rip-off of 'The Incredible Hulk'. At the end of Stage 5, he buffs up and turns green.

When the DIP switch is set to English, the Japanese subtitle written in kanji underneath the title reads 'Seisensha'. This could be translated (rather clumsily) to 'Journeying Soldier' or (to the better sounding) 'Crusader' for this particular instance, since there is a religious overtone in the prologue of the game, even though the Japanese word 'Seisensha' is as secular as the word 'chair' and doesn't contain a underlying religious meaning such as with the case of the word 'Crusader'.
When the DIP switch is set to Japanese, the Japanese subtitle is just the title of the game written in katakana, which is read as 'Gaia Kuruseidaazu'.


Producer : Ijyu Keiko
Planner : Yamamoto Jun
Main programmer : Kazuaki Ezato
Enemy programmer : Hidenari Mamoto
Character designers : Maeda Masahiro, Nana Isiguro, Yosikazu Nisikawa, Morita Haruhiko
Background designers : Ijyu Keiko, Nakai Yuka
Voices : Toshikazu Tanaka, Maeda Masahiro, Yosikazu Nisikawa, Kazuaki Ezato, Morita Haruhiko, Hidenari Mamoto
Sound producer : Toshikazu Tanaka
Special thanks : Watanabe Hidekazu, Aizawa Masato, Takashiro Hikaru, Nakagawa Hiroko, Murata Range


Game's rom.

Gaia Crusaders
Noise Factory