真・三國無雙8(Dynasty Warriors 9) DLC新增武将 董白传 5
DLC adds new military generals Biography of Dong Bai 5
DLCで新武将を追加 董白の伝記 5
以「新生 開放世界的一騎當千」為概念的系列最新作『真・三國無雙8』隆重登場!
以一張幅員廣闊的地圖表現中國大陸的“開放世界” 除了維持一向輕鬆的操作感外 “新無雙動作”更能以前所未有 萬化自如的行動實現本系列以來最高等級的「一騎當千之爽快感」
再加上“眾多的魅力武將”所交織成的宏偉「三國志」世界 融合了這些特點 可讓玩家身臨體驗歷史洪流的全新「真・三國無雙」於此誕生!
The newest game in the series, "Shin Megami Taisho 8", is based on the concept of "New Life and Open World".
The "open world" of China is represented in a vast map. In addition to the usual easy-to-use feel, the "New Unrivaled Action" provides the highest level of "One Horseman's Thrill" ever seen in the series.
In addition to the magnificent world of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which is made up of "many attractive warriors", the new "Shin Mukozuna" is born, which combines these features and allows players to experience the flood of history!
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庇护十一世 presently has 517 views for Dynasty Warriors 9 across 256 videos, and roughly 5 days worth of Dynasty Warriors 9 videos were uploaded to his channel. This makes up 6.08% of the content that 庇护十一世 has uploaded to YouTube.