Amiga Longplay [041] King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella

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Duration: 1:18:27


In the beginning, once I can play/move, I run around, goofing a bit, looking for a decent speed to move in using the +/- on the keyboard. I noticed the animation speed doesn't affect the timing of stuff. Like, if I had max speed on, it would still take just as long for most things to happen/start/finish, just their animation speed that would be faster and walk speed. So couldn't speed up the dwarves eating, or the waiting in the different parts (mentioned below).

Bleh, at the very end the game bugged, couldn't get into the kitchen as there were no bird on a perch, or even a perch. Leaving and entering the scene xxx times didn't help (loads of random stuff in the game requires that), not even replaying from many save states back. I couldn't even use the save files for this version of the game with other versions, it just said "This game was saved under a different interpreter. It cannot be restored" ( is probably one of the same problems laffer had in his longplay (if you read his video description): The version I first played was the .ipf one, 4 disk version (v1.023). Then another one I tried was an .adf version, same amount of disks, same version, but the saves from the ipf didn't work for the adf, weird. But the adf saves worked for other adf versions. There's also a 3 disk version (v1.003.006), don't know why that version is one 1 disk less, as I didn't try that one, only 4 disk v1.023. Anyway, .adf worked, but had to replay from the start of course as the saves didn't work from the .ipf one, but was quickly done as I didn't have to record, but still some parts that took many tries before I got through them, like the damn troll cave, maybe needed like 20 saves there before the game decided to NOT spawn trolls all over the cave so I could get through.

There's a lot of waiting parts, like when I hide in the tiny room (probably a pantry or something) waiting for the giant to come, took several minutes, same with when I was put in a cell in the witch tower place, same with her playing that damn long sheet music thingy, and when I get locked in the bedroom before the green guy comes. I edited out most of them, forgot the part where the dwarves eat by the table.

Couldn't skip some of the dialogues, so some last for quite some time, I think. Most could be skipped on the press of a button, which I did when I decided the viewer had probably read them by now.

If you wonder who the lady is at the end on the game over popup thingy, she's maybe a portrait of one of the game designers or maybe just a face to represent the game... or something, BUT she's the one who pops up every time you die and says something.

amiga game longplay ironclaw king's quest IV