Arizona Illustrated Episode 703

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Duration: 28:00

A Shadow Pandemic
The UN is reporting a troubling rise in domestic abuse due to COVID-19 lockdowns and is now referring to the crisis as “the Shadow Pandemic.” For many victims of domestic violence, sheltering in place with their abusers poses even greater risks to their well-being than contracting coronavirus itself. Immigrant women also face unique challenges when seeking help because they fear being deported. Pima County Immigrant Victims of Domestic Abuse Task Force is a coalition of several agencies that provide safe housing, free legal aid, education programs, crisis hotlines, and counseling services to victims of this Shadow Pandemic.

Favorite Places: Hi Corbett Field
For almost 100 years this place has welcomed families, and fans of ‘America’s Pasttime’. Our collaboration with the southern Arizona chapter of the American Institute of Architects and the Arizona Daily Star showcasing a local architect’s favorite building, space, or place continues with Hi Corbett Field.

The Muralist
It seems no matter where you go in Tucson these days you’re likely to come upon a vibrant and thought-provoking mural. It is also likely that one of these giant works of art that you’ve seen was conceived and painted by artist Jessica Gonzales…The Muralist.

Just Listen - It Won't Matter
This summer’s waves of protests calling for racial equality, and continuing calls for social justice have prompted some to wonder ‘when will the protests end’? And perhaps more importantly, ‘what will it mean when they do’? Community leaders Sam Brown and Debi Chess share their experiences and have pondered…will it matter?