⚰️Battle Brothers: WotN 🔊 Мотаем время до 4-й милости Давкула! Expert/Ironman Часть №6

⚰️Battle Brothers: WotN 🔊 Мотаем время до 4-й милости Давкула! Expert/Ironman Часть №6

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNR6g75OFLM

Duration: 7:11:07

Таблицы (статы, крафт, события, гайды и т.д.): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ztxAXhdzrgtsj2qV5iahAL7kMG_oF-QlG3tEtElfHuk/edit#gid=1143425545
💰поддержку можно оказать здесь): https://www.donationalerts.ru/r/kanalie
✅Дискорд канал: https://discord.gg/xe9Day5

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Battle Brothers
Battle Brothers: Warriors of the North
Battle Brothers: Warriors of the North полное прохождение
Battle Brothers: Warriors of the North прохождение за культистов
Battle Brothers: Warriors of the North обзор
Battle Brothers: Warriors of the North кракен
Battle Brothers: Warriors of the North монолит
Battle Brothers: Warriors of the North гайд
Battle Brothers: Warriors of the North геймплей

Other Statistics

Battle Brothers Statistics For Kanalie

There are 3,422,179 views in 412 videos for Battle Brothers. His channel uploaded over 60 days worth of Battle Brothers videos, roughly 13.16% of the content that Kanalie has uploaded to YouTube.