Completely Free iPhone Ringtones (Part 3)

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Duration: 2:41

Have you ever wanted free ringtones with no strings attatched? I know that might sound like a lie or a scam, but I have personally tried this and it works! You don't have to download any programs, or give out your phone number, or even create an account!

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The website is called So bring up a browser and head on over to audiko's website and follow along with me. When you first arrive on their site you will be presented with a screen that looks very clean and almost like YouTube's website in a way. The first thing you see looks like an advertisement and then a searchbar underneath that. If you are looking to get a premade ringtone, then just type in the name of the ringtone in the searchbar and press the enter key on your keyboard and a whole bunch of results will be displayed for you. Just look through these until you have come across the one you were looking for and click on it. You will be brought to a page that looks like a music player. It has a picture of the album artwork and the title and a playbar. If you would like to hear the ringtone before you download it, then you can press the play button. Once you're satisfied with your selection, below there are a few links for downloading your tone. Choose the one thats right for you and click it. Now just wait for it to download and once its done, just transfer it over to your phone and enjoy!

Now what if you have been looking and can't find your ringtone already made by someone else? Or maybe you just want to create your own ringtone from the sound of a video you've seen on YouTube? Well you can always use the ringtone creator built in to audiko's website for free! Just click on the Upload or enter a URL link in the banner looking thing at the top of their page and follow the steps that come up.

If you have clicked the Upload link, then you will have a box pop up on your screen where you can locate your audio file on your computer. Once you've found it just click open. You will now be presented with a screen that looks like a video editing program. Don't freak out just yet, because this is alot more simple then it looks! All you have to do is select the beginning and the end point that you want for the sound clip and if you want a fade in or fade out. Once that is done, continue on and fill in the details of your ringtone. For this step you want to fill this out truthfully so that other people can find your ringtone that you have created. After this step is complete audiko will create your ringtone for you and make it available for download! Now just choose the download type that is right for your phone type, and enjoy your new ringtone!

Now if you have clicked the enter a URL button, you first need to get the video url of the video you are looking to use for your ringtone. Once you have this, copy and paste it into the blank and continue on to
the next step. You will now be presented with a screen that looks like a video editing program. Don't freak out just yet, because this is a lot more simple then it looks! All you have to do is select the beginning and the end point that you want for the sound clip and if you want a fade in or fade out. Once that is done, continue on and fill in the details of your ringtone. For this step you want to fill this out truthfully so that other people can find your ringtone that you have created. After this step is complete audiko will create your ringtone for you and make it available for download! Now just choose the download type that is right for your phone type, and enjoy your new ringtone!

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